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On Thu, 1 Nov 2018 17:53:51 +0800 
Gavin Hu <mailto:gavin...@arm.com> wrote: 

> +* **Updated the ring library with C11 memory model.** 
> + 
> + Updated the ring library with C11 memory model including the following 
> changes: 
> + 
> + * Synchronize the load and store of the tail 
> + * Move the atomic load of head above the loop 
> + 

Does this really need to be in the release notes? Is it a user visible change 
or just an internal/optimization and fix. 

[Gavin] There is no api changes, but this is a significant change as ring is 
fundamental and widely used, it decreases latency by 25% in our tests, it may 
do even better for cases with more contending producers/consumers or deeper 
depth of rings.

[Honnappa] I agree with Stephen. Release notes should be written from DPDK user 
perspective. In the rte_ring case, the user has the option of choosing between 
c11 and non-c11 algorithms. Performance would be one of the criteria to choose 
between these 2 algorithms. IMO, it probably makes sense to indicate that the 
performance of c11 based algorithm has been improved. However, I do not know 
what DPDK has followed historically regarding performance optimizations. I 
would prefer to follow whatever has been followed so far.
I do not think that we need to document the details of the internal changes 
since it does not help the user make a decision.

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