On 10/7/2018 8:38 AM, Raslan Darawsheh wrote:
> when changing verbosity level it will configure rx/tx callbacks to dump
> packets based on the verbosity value as following:
>     1- dump only received packets:
>        testpmd> set verbose 1
>     2- dump only sent packets:
>        testpmd> set verbose 2
>     3- dump sent and received packets:
>        testpmd> set verbose (any number > 2)
>     4- disable dump
>        testpmd> set verbose 0

It is good to able to enable Rx/Tx separately but you are overloading "verbose"
meaning here. "verbose" is kind of log_level internal to testpmd and can be used
by many testpmd debug log.

Why not create a separate setting for it, perhaps like pkt_verbose?

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