Signed-off-by: Fiona Trahe <>
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst | 12 +++---------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst b/doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst
index e6d78ac16..2f233ec9d 100644
--- a/doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst
@@ -120,10 +120,8 @@ Quick instructions are as follows:
-.. _qat_kernel_installation:
 Dependency on the QAT kernel driver
 To use the QAT PMD an SRIOV-enabled QAT kernel driver is required. The VF
 devices created and initialised by this driver will be used by the QAT PMD.
@@ -132,12 +130,8 @@ Instructions for installation are below, but first an 
explanation of the
 relationships between the PF/VF devices and the PMDs visible to
 DPDK applications.
-Acceleration services - cryptography and compression - are provided to DPDK
-applications via PMDs which register to implement the corresponding
-cryptodev and compressdev APIs.
-Each QuickAssist VF device can expose one cryptodev PMD and/or one compressdev 
+Each QuickAssist PF device exposes a number of VF devices. Each VF device can
+enable one cryptodev PMD and/or one compressdev PMD.
 These QAT PMDs share the same underlying device and pci-mgmt code, but are
 enumerated independently on their respective APIs and appear as independent
 devices to applications.

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