On 7/11/2018 10:46 AM, Jeff Guo wrote:

On 7/11/2018 5:52 AM, Stephen Hemminger wrote:
On Tue, 10 Jul 2018 19:03:27 +0800
Jeff Guo <jia....@intel.com> wrote:

When hotplug out device, the device resource will be released in kernel. The fd sys file will disappear, and the irq will be released. At this time, if igb uio driver still try to release this resource, it will cause kernel
crash. On the other hand, interrupt disabling do not automatically be
processed in kernel. If not handle it, this redundancy and dirty thing will
affect the interrupt resource be used by other device. So the igb_uio
driver have to check the hotplug status, and the corresponding process
should be taken in igb uio driver.

This patch propose to add enum rte_udev_state into struct rte_uio_pci_dev
of igb uio driver, which will record the state of uio device, such as
probed/opened/released/removed. When detect the unexpected removal which
cause of hotplug out behavior, it will corresponding disable interrupt
resource. For the part of releasement which kernel have already handle,
just skip it to avoid double free or null pointer crash issue.

Signed-off-by: Jeff Guo <jia....@intel.com>
The PCI hotplug management is an important and potentially error prone
error of DPDK.

I realize that English is not your native language, but the commit messages for this are hard to read. Perhaps you can get a volunteer or other person
in the community to reword them. The commit logs and comments contain
important information about the documentation of the code.

yes, i think that it might not be the whole thing to let you confused except something specific. But definitely it is my task to let reviewer most easily know what i want to propose before they will ack it, especial for some complex case. let's try my best for check my word. I am also planning to go to more native English country and great conference study, anyway to improve my word : )

How does VFIO handle hotplug? We should direct all users to use VFIO
since it is supported and secure. Igb uio has always been a slightly
dangerous (as they say "running with scissors") way of accessing devices.

You exposure VFIO here to replace igo uio, maybe we should check if it is optional or not. If we can fix all igb_uio issue it should be optional, if only vfio show stable we should go to vfio only.
What other else guy comment here?

Plus, the pci vfio hotplug enabling is still on the next plan, since the different framework between vifo and uio for uevent process. Per vfio, when user space control it will holding the resource so the uevent will be blocked to sent out from kernel. Anyway that should be another story. We hope this patch set just fix hotplug failure issue for igb uio case.

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