DPDK Community:

Today, we are unveiling an updated version of the DPDK website: 
We’ve had community discussions about revamping the website for some time now. 
Moving our community and project into The Linux Foundation enabled us to fund 
and resource this update.  Same URL but easier on the eyes ☺ Please go take a 

The content on the new site should be familiar as much of it is the same. If 
you want to compare/contrast you can still access the previous website via this 
link: https://old.dpdk.org.  The new site is organized for easier, more 
intuitive navigation while showcasing the breadth of the DPDK community and 
ecosystem. For those who would like a bit more “What’s under the hood?” the new 
site has been built using Wordpress (https://www.dpdk.org) and Hugo 
(https://core.dpdk.org) templates which both improve maintainability and make 
it easier to bring you updated content.  Technical resources are available 
under "DPDK Core."  As always, community members can suggest editorial changes 
or submit patches to improve the site.  That community-driven process has not 

This announcement is the first step in the roll out, and we will be refining 
and updating content in the coming weeks.  Please peruse the site and 
familiarize yourself with its layout. If you have any suggestions, comments, or 
feedback on the site or site content, please contact w...@dpdk.org. As with 
everything in our community, more eyes and suggestions will improve our work. 

Revamping the DPDK project website has been a true team effort that could not 
have been accomplished without the help of and iterative feedback from the both 
the Marketing Committee and the Technical Board - thank you!  

Please also be sure to promote the new site with colleagues and peers and on 
social media. And don’t forget to reference our project’s Twitter presence 
@DPDKProject. We'll be issuing a press release on Thursday June 21st regarding 
the DPDK 18.05 release directing readers back to the new site  We feel this PR 
should give DPDK some additional exposure just in time for the DPDK Summit 
China event on June 28th. 

DPDK Project, Governing Board Chair

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