DPDK Release Status Meeting 14/07/2018 ======================================
Minutes from the weekly DPDK Release Status Meeting. The DPDK Release Status Meeting is intended for DPDK Committers to discuss the status of the master tree and sub-trees, and for project managers to track progress or milestone dates. The meeting occurs on Thursdays at 8:30 UTC. If you wish to attend just send me and email and I will send you the invite. Minutes 14 June 2018 -------------------- Agenda: * Subtrees * Reviews * Bugzilla * LTS GAP * Design Review Participants: * Intel * Cavium * Mellanox * 6Wind * Broadcom Subtrees -------- * Next-Net - Started taking some patches. * Next-Crypto - Nothing applied yet but 40 patches pending. 103 patches outstanding in Crypto and Compression. * Next-virtio -No update. * Next-Eventdev - Has started pulling in patches. * Next-Ip-pipeline - No update. * Master - Will pull trees at end on Friday/Saturday. Bugzilla -------- * We need a volunteer to manage the DPDK Bugzilla: https://dpdk.org/tracker/ * Main task will be to review incoming defects and make sure they are assigned to the right maintainer. * The number of new defects is currently small so this shouldn't take more than a 1-2 hours per week. * If there isn't a volunteer then we will circulate the role, for each release, between the main contributing companies. LTS Maintainer Gap ------------------ * The current LTS/Stable releases and maintainers are: http://dpdk.org/dev/roadmap#stable :: Version Date End of life Maintainer 16.11.8 Aug 14 2018 Nov 2018 (LTS) Luca Boccassi 17.11.3 Jun 15 2018 Nov 2019 (LTS) Yuanhan Liu 18.02.2 Jun 15 2018 Jun 2018 Luca Boccassi 18.05.1 Aug 24 2018 Aug 2018 Christian Ehrhardt 18.08.1 Nov 16 2018 Nov 2018 Looking for volunteer 18.11.1 Jan 11 2019 Nov 2020 (LTS) Kevin Traynor * Yuanhan will be stepping down after the next 17.11.x release. * We are looking for another volunteer. * Also many thanks to the current LTS/Stable maintainers. Design Reviews -------------- * If anyone would like to have an online design review/discussion of a proposal for an new feature let me know and I will set it up. For examples, if they have an RFC that could be better explained over a call with some slides. We have very good discussions at the DPDK Userspace event and it would be good to have similar discussions from time to time on major new features.