From: Nithin Dabilpuram <>

Adds hardware specific definitions for Cavium CPT device.

Signed-off-by: Ankur Dwivedi <>
Signed-off-by: Murthy NSSR <>
Signed-off-by: Nithin Dabilpuram <>
Signed-off-by: Ragothaman Jayaraman <>
Signed-off-by: Srisivasubramanian Srinivasan 
 drivers/crypto/cpt/base/cpt_hw_types.h  | 836 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/crypto/cpt/base/mcode_defines.h | 215 ++++++++
 2 files changed, 1051 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 drivers/crypto/cpt/base/cpt_hw_types.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/crypto/cpt/base/mcode_defines.h

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/cpt/base/cpt_hw_types.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4b2af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/cpt/base/cpt_hw_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef __CPT_HW_TYPES_H
+#define __CPT_HW_TYPES_H
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define CPT_INST_SIZE              (64)
+#define CPT_VQ_CHUNK_ALIGN             (128) /**< 128 byte align */
+#define CPT_NEXT_CHUNK_PTR_SIZE     (8)
+#define CPT_INST_CHUNK_MAX_SIZE     (1023)
+#define CPT_PF_VF_MAILBOX_SIZE         (2)
+#define CPT_VF_INTR_MBOX_MASK   (1<<0)
+#define CPT_VF_INTR_DOVF_MASK   (1<<1)
+#define CPT_VF_INTR_IRDE_MASK   (1<<2)
+#define CPT_VF_INTR_NWRP_MASK   (1<<3)
+#define CPT_VF_INTR_SWERR_MASK  (1<<4)
+#define CPT_VF_INTR_HWERR_MASK  (1<<5)
+#define CPT_VF_INTR_FAULT_MASK  (1<<6)
+ * CPT_INST_S software command definitions
+ * Words EI (0-3)
+ */
+typedef union {
+       uint64_t u64;
+       struct {
+               uint16_t opcode;
+               uint16_t param1;
+               uint16_t param2;
+               uint16_t dlen;
+       } s;
+} vq_cmd_word0_t;
+typedef union {
+       uint64_t u64;
+       struct {
+               uint64_t grp    : 3;
+               uint64_t cptr   : 61;
+               uint64_t cptr   : 61;
+               uint64_t grp    : 3;
+       } s;
+} vq_cmd_word3_t;
+typedef struct cpt_vq_command {
+       vq_cmd_word0_t cmd;
+       uint64_t dptr;
+       uint64_t rptr;
+       vq_cmd_word3_t cptr;
+} cpt_vq_cmd_t;
+ * Structure cpt_inst_s
+ *
+ * CPT Instruction Structure
+ * This structure specifies the instruction layout.
+ * Instructions are stored in memory
+ * as little-endian unless CPT()_PF_Q()_CTL[INST_BE] is set.
+ */
+typedef union cpt_inst_s {
+       uint64_t u[8];
+       struct cpt_inst_s_s {
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 0 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_17_63        : 47;
+               uint64_t doneint               : 1;
+               /*< [ 16: 16] Done interrupt.
+                * 0 = No interrupts related to this instruction.
+                * 1 = When the instruction completes,CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE]
+                * will be incremented, and based on the rules described
+                * there an interrupt may occur.
+                */
+               uint64_t reserved_0_15         : 16;
+#else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_0_15         : 16;
+               uint64_t doneint               : 1;
+               /*< [ 16: 16] Done interrupt.
+                * 0 = No interrupts related to this instruction.
+                * 1 = When the instruction completes,CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE]
+                * will be incremented, and based on the rules described
+                * there aninterrupt may occur.
+                */
+               uint64_t reserved_17_63        : 47;
+#endif /* Word 0 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 1 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t res_addr              : 64;
+               /*< [127: 64] Result IOVA.
+                * If nonzero, specifies where to write CPT_RES_S.
+                * If zero, no result structure will be written.
+                * Address must be 16-byte aligned.
+                * Bits <63:49> are ignored by hardware; software should
+                *use a sign-extended bit <48> for forward compatibility.
+                */
+#else /* Word 1 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t res_addr              : 64;
+               /*< [127: 64] Result IOVA.
+                * If nonzero, specifies where to write CPT_RES_S.
+                * If zero, no result structure will be written.
+                * Address must be 16-byte aligned.
+                * Bits <63:49> are ignored by hardware; software should
+                *use a sign-extended bit <48> for forward compatibility.
+                */
+#endif /* Word 1 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 2 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_172_191      : 20;
+               uint64_t grp                   : 10;
+               /*< [171:162] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, the SSO guest-group to
+                * use when CPT submits work to SSO.
+                * For the SSO to not discard the add-work request, FPA_PF_MAP()
+                * must map [GRP] and CPT()_PF_Q()_GMCTL[GMID] as valid.
+                */
+               uint64_t tt                    : 2;
+               /*< [161:160] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, the SSO tag type to use
+                * when CPT submits work to SSO.
+                */
+               uint64_t tag                   : 32;
+               /*< [159:128] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, the SSO tag to use when
+                * CPT submits work to SSO.
+                */
+#else /* Word 2 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t tag                   : 32;
+               /**< [159:128] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, the SSO tag to use when
+                * CPT submits work to SSO.
+                */
+               uint64_t tt                    : 2;
+               /**< [161:160] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, the SSO tag type to use
+                * when CPT submits work to SSO.
+                */
+               uint64_t grp                   : 10;
+               /**< [171:162] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, the SSO guest-group to
+                * use when CPT submits work to SSO.
+                * For the SSO to not discard the add-work request, FPA_PF_MAP()
+                * must map [GRP] and CPT()_PF_Q()_GMCTL[GMID] as valid.
+                **/
+               uint64_t reserved_172_191      : 20;
+#endif /* Word 2 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 3 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t wq_ptr                : 64;
+               /**< [255:192] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, it is a pointer to a
+                * work-queue entry that CPT submits work to SSO after all
+                * context, output data, and result write operations are
+                * visible to other CNXXXX units and the cores.
+                * Bits <2:0> must be zero.
+                * Bits <63:49> are ignored by hardware; software should use a
+                * sign-extended bit <48> for forward compatibility.
+                * Internal:Bits <63:49>, <2:0> are ignored by hardware,
+                * treated as always 0x0.
+                **/
+#else /* Word 3 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t wq_ptr                : 64;
+               /**< [255:192] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, it is a pointer to a
+                * work-queue entry that CPT submits work to SSO after all
+                * context, output data, and result write operations are
+                * visible to other CNXXXX units and the cores.
+                * Bits <2:0> must be zero.
+                * Bits <63:49> are ignored by hardware; software should use a
+                * sign-extended bit <48> for forward compatibility.
+                * Internal: Bits <63:49>, <2:0> are ignored by hardware,
+                * treated as always 0x0.
+                **/
+#endif /* Word 3 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 4 - Big Endian */
+               union {
+                       uint64_t ei0                   : 64;
+                       /**< [319:256] Engine instruction word 0. Passed to the
+                        * AE/SE.
+                        **/
+                       vq_cmd_word0_t vq_cmd_w0;
+               };
+#else /* Word 4 - Little Endian */
+               union {
+                       uint64_t ei0                   : 64;
+                       /**< [319:256] Engine instruction word 0. Passed to the
+                        * AE/SE.
+                        **/
+                       vq_cmd_word0_t vq_cmd_w0;
+               };
+#endif /* Word 4 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 5 - Big Endian */
+               union {
+                       uint64_t ei1                   : 64;
+                       /**< [383:320] Engine instruction word 1. Passed to the
+                        * AE/SE.
+                        **/
+                       uint64_t dptr;
+               };
+#else /* Word 5 - Little Endian */
+               union {
+                       uint64_t ei1                   : 64;
+                       /**< [383:320] Engine instruction word 1. Passed to the
+                        * AE/SE.
+                        **/
+                       uint64_t dptr;
+               };
+#endif /* Word 5 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 6 - Big Endian */
+               union {
+                       uint64_t ei2                   : 64;
+                       /**< [447:384] Engine instruction word 2. Passed to the
+                        * AE/SE.
+                        **/
+                       uint64_t rptr;
+               };
+#else /* Word 6 - Little Endian */
+               union {
+                       uint64_t ei2                   : 64;
+                       /**< [447:384] Engine instruction word 2. Passed to the
+                        * AE/SE.
+                        **/
+                       uint64_t rptr;
+               };
+#endif /* Word 6 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 7 - Big Endian */
+               union {
+                       uint64_t ei3                   : 64;
+                       /**< [511:448] Engine instruction word 3. Passed to the
+                        * AE/SE.
+                        **/
+                       vq_cmd_word3_t vq_cmd_w3;
+               };
+#else /* Word 7 - Little Endian */
+               union {
+                       uint64_t ei3                   : 64;
+                       /**< [511:448] Engine instruction word 3. Passed to the
+                        * AE/SE.
+                        **/
+                       vq_cmd_word3_t vq_cmd_w3;
+               };
+#endif /* Word 7 - End */
+       } s;
+       struct cpt_inst_s_cn {
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 0 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_17_63        : 47;
+               uint64_t doneint               : 1;
+               /**< [ 16: 16] Done interrupt.
+                * 0 = No interrupts related to this instruction.
+                * 1 = When the instruction completes, CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE]
+                * will be incremented,and based on the rules described there
+                * an interrupt may occur.
+                **/
+               uint64_t reserved_8_15         : 8;
+               uint64_t reserved_0_7          : 8;
+#else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_0_7          : 8;
+               uint64_t reserved_8_15         : 8;
+               uint64_t doneint               : 1;
+               /**< [ 16: 16] Done interrupt.
+                * 0 = No interrupts related to this instruction.
+                * 1 = When the instruction completes, CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE]
+                * will be incremented,and based on the rules described there
+                * an interrupt may occur.
+                **/
+               uint64_t reserved_17_63        : 47;
+#endif /* Word 0 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 1 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t res_addr              : 64;
+               /**< [127: 64] Result IOVA.
+                * If nonzero, specifies where to write CPT_RES_S.
+                * If zero, no result structure will be written.
+                * Address must be 16-byte aligned.
+                *
+                * Bits <63:49> are ignored by hardware; software should
+                * use a sign-extended bit <48> for forward compatibility.
+                **/
+#else /* Word 1 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t res_addr              : 64;
+               /**< [127: 64] Result IOVA.
+                * If nonzero, specifies where to write CPT_RES_S.
+                * If zero, no result structure will be written.
+                * Address must be 16-byte aligned.
+                *
+                * Bits <63:49> are ignored by hardware; software should
+                * use a sign-extended bit <48> for forward compatibility.
+                **/
+#endif /* Word 1 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 2 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_172_191      : 20;
+               uint64_t grp                   : 10;
+               /**< [171:162] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, the SSO guest-group to
+                * use when CPT submits work to SSO. For the SSO to not discard
+                * the add-work request, FPA_PF_MAP() must map [GRP] and
+                * CPT()_PF_Q()_GMCTL[GMID] as valid.
+                **/
+               uint64_t tt                    : 2;
+               /**< [161:160] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, the SSO tag type to use
+                * when CPT submits work to SSO.
+                **/
+               uint64_t tag                   : 32;
+               /**< [159:128] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, the SSO tag to use
+                * when CPT submits work to SSO.
+                **/
+#else /* Word 2 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t tag                   : 32;
+               /**< [159:128] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, the SSO tag to use
+                * when CPT submits work to SSO.
+                **/
+               uint64_t tt                    : 2;
+               /**< [161:160] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, the SSO tag type to use
+                * when CPT submits work to SSO.
+                **/
+               uint64_t grp                   : 10;
+               /**< [171:162] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, the SSO guest-group to
+                * use when CPT submits work to SSO. For the SSO to not discard
+                * the add-work request, FPA_PF_MAP() must map [GRP] and
+                * CPT()_PF_Q()_GMCTL[GMID] as valid.
+                **/
+               uint64_t reserved_172_191      : 20;
+#endif /* Word 2 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 3 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t wq_ptr                : 64;
+               /**< [255:192] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, it is a pointer to a work
+                * -queue entry that CPT submits work to SSO after all context,
+                * output data, and result write operations are visible to other
+                * CNXXXX units and the cores.
+               Bits <2:0> must be zero.  Bits <63:49> are ignored by hardware;
+               software should use a sign-extended bit <48> for forward
+               compatibility.
+Bits <63:49>, <2:0> are ignored by hardware, treated as always 0x0.
+                */
+#else /* Word 3 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t wq_ptr                : 64;
+               /**< [255:192] If [WQ_PTR] is nonzero, it is a pointer to a work
+                * -queue entry that CPT submits work to SSO after all context,
+                * output data, and result write operations are visible to other
+                * CNXXXX units and the cores.
+               Bits <2:0> must be zero.  Bits <63:49> are ignored by hardware;
+               software should use a sign-extended bit <48> for forward
+               compatibility.
+Bits <63:49>, <2:0> are ignored by hardware, treated as always 0x0.
+                */
+#endif /* Word 3 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 4 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t ei0                   : 64;
+               /**< [319:256] Engine instruction word 0. Passed to the AE/SE.*/
+#else /* Word 4 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t ei0                   : 64;
+               /**< [319:256] Engine instruction word 0. Passed to the AE/SE.*/
+#endif /* Word 4 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 5 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t ei1                   : 64;
+               /**< [383:320] Engine instruction word 1. Passed to the AE/SE.*/
+#else /* Word 5 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t ei1                   : 64;
+               /**< [383:320] Engine instruction word 1. Passed to the AE/SE.*/
+#endif /* Word 5 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 6 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t ei2                   : 64;
+               /**< [447:384] Engine instruction word 2. Passed to the AE/SE.*/
+#else /* Word 6 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t ei2                   : 64;
+               /**< [447:384] Engine instruction word 2. Passed to the AE/SE.*/
+#endif /* Word 6 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 7 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t ei3                   : 64;
+               /**< [511:448] Engine instruction word 3. Passed to the AE/SE.*/
+#else /* Word 7 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t ei3                   : 64;
+               /**< [511:448] Engine instruction word 3. Passed to the AE/SE.*/
+#endif /* Word 7 - End */
+       } cn;
+} cpt_inst_s_t;
+ * Structure cpt_res_s
+ *
+ * CPT Result Structure
+ * The CPT coprocessor writes the result structure after it completes a
+ * CPT_INST_S instruction. The result structure is exactly 16 bytes, and each
+ * instruction completion produces exactly one result structure.
+ *
+ * This structure is stored in memory as little-endian unless
+ * CPT()_PF_Q()_CTL[INST_BE] is set.
+ */
+typedef union cpt_res_s {
+       uint64_t u[2];
+       struct cpt_res_s_s {
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 0 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_17_63        : 47;
+               uint64_t doneint               : 1;
+               /**< [ 16: 16] Done interrupt. This bit is copied from the
+                * corresponding instruction's CPT_INST_S[DONEINT].
+                **/
+               uint64_t reserved_8_15         : 8;
+               uint64_t compcode              : 8;
+               /**< [  7:  0] Indicates completion/error status of the CPT
+                * coprocessor for the associated instruction, as enumerated by
+                * CPT_COMP_E. Core software may write the memory location
+                * containing [COMPCODE] to 0x0 before ringing the doorbell, and
+                * then poll for completion by checking for a nonzero value.
+                Once the core observes a nonzero [COMPCODE] value in this case,
+                the CPT coprocessor will have also completed L2/DRAM write
+                operations.
+                 */
+#else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t compcode              : 8;
+               /**< [  7:  0] Indicates completion/error status of the CPT
+                * coprocessor for the associated instruction, as enumerated by
+                * CPT_COMP_E. Core software may write the memory location
+                * containing [COMPCODE] to 0x0 before ringing the doorbell, and
+                * then poll for completion by checking for a nonzero value.
+               Once the core observes a nonzero [COMPCODE] value in this case,
+               the CPT coprocessor will have also completed L2/DRAM write
+               operations.
+                */
+               uint64_t reserved_8_15         : 8;
+               uint64_t doneint               : 1;
+               /**< [ 16: 16] Done interrupt. This bit is copied from the
+                * corresponding instruction's CPT_INST_S[DONEINT].
+                **/
+               uint64_t reserved_17_63        : 47;
+#endif /* Word 0 - End */
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 1 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_64_127       : 64;
+#else /* Word 1 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_64_127       : 64;
+#endif /* Word 1 - End */
+       } s;
+       /* struct cpt_res_s_s cn; */
+} cpt_res_s_t;
+ * Register (NCB) cpt#_vq#_ctl
+ *
+ * CPT VF Queue Control Registers
+ * This register configures queues. This register should be changed (other than
+ * clearing [ENA]) only when quiescent (see CPT()_VQ()_INPROG[INFLIGHT]).
+ */
+typedef union {
+       uint64_t u;
+       struct cptx_vqx_ctl_s {
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 0 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_1_63         : 63;
+               uint64_t ena                   : 1;
+               /**< [  0:  0](R/W/H) Enables the logical instruction queue.
+                * See also CPT()_PF_Q()_CTL[CONT_ERR] and
+                * CPT()_VQ()_INPROG[INFLIGHT].
+                * 1 = Queue is enabled.
+                * 0 = Queue is disabled.
+                **/
+#else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t ena                   : 1;
+               /**< [  0:  0](R/W/H) Enables the logical instruction queue.
+                * See also CPT()_PF_Q()_CTL[CONT_ERR] and
+                * CPT()_VQ()_INPROG[INFLIGHT].
+                * 1 = Queue is enabled.
+                * 0 = Queue is disabled.
+                **/
+               uint64_t reserved_1_63         : 63;
+#endif /* Word 0 - End */
+       } s;
+       /* struct cptx_vqx_ctl_s cn; */
+} cptx_vqx_ctl_t;
+ * Register (NCB) cpt#_vq#_done
+ *
+ * CPT Queue Done Count Registers
+ * These registers contain the per-queue instruction done count.
+ */
+typedef union {
+       uint64_t u;
+       struct cptx_vqx_done_s {
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 0 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_20_63        : 44;
+               uint64_t done                  : 20;
+               /**< [ 19:  0](R/W/H) Done count. When CPT_INST_S[DONEINT] set
+                * and that instruction completes,CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] is
+                * incremented when the instruction finishes. Write to this
+                * field are for diagnostic use only; instead software writes
+                * CPT()_VQ()_DONE_ACK with the number of decrements for this
+                * field.
+               Interrupts are sent as follows:
+                * When CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] = 0, then no results are pending,
+                * the interrupt coalescing timer is held to zero, and an
+                * interrupt is not sent.
+                * When CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] != 0, then the interrupt
+                * coalescing timer counts. If the counter is >= CPT()_VQ()_DONE
+                * _WAIT[TIME_WAIT]*1024, or CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] >= CPT()_VQ()
+                * _DONE_WAIT[NUM_WAIT], i.e. enough time has passed or enough
+                * results have arrived, then the interrupt is sent.  Otherwise,
+                * it is not sent due to coalescing.
+               * When CPT()_VQ()_DONE_ACK is written (or CPT()_VQ()_DONE is
+               * written but this is not typical), the interrupt coalescing
+               * timer restarts.  Note after decrementing this interrupt
+               * equation is recomputed, for example if CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE]
+               * >= CPT()_VQ()_DONE_WAIT[NUM_WAIT] and because the timer is
+               * zero, the interrupt will be resent immediately.  (This covers
+               * the race case between software acknowledging an interrupt and
+               * a result returning.)
+               * When CPT()_VQ()_DONE_ENA_W1S[DONE] = 0, interrupts are not
+               * sent, but the counting described above still occurs.
+               Since CPT instructions complete out-of-order, if software is
+               using completion interrupts the suggested scheme is to request a
+               DONEINT on each request, and when an interrupt arrives perform a
+               "greedy" scan for completions; even if a later command is
+               acknowledged first this will not result in missing a completion.
+               Software is responsible for making sure [DONE] does not overflow
+               ; for example by insuring there are not more than 2^20-1
+               instructions in flight that may request interrupts.
+                */
+#else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t done                  : 20;
+               /**< [ 19:  0](R/W/H) Done count. When CPT_INST_S[DONEINT] set
+                * and that instruction completes,CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] is
+                * incremented when the instruction finishes. Write to this
+                * field are for diagnostic use only; instead software writes
+                * CPT()_VQ()_DONE_ACK with the number of decrements for this
+                * field.
+               Interrupts are sent as follows:
+                * When CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] = 0, then no results are pending,
+                * the interrupt coalescing timer is held to zero, and an
+                * interrupt is not sent.
+                * When CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] != 0, then the interrupt
+                * coalescing timer counts. If the counter is >= CPT()_VQ()_DONE
+                * _WAIT[TIME_WAIT]*1024, or CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] >= CPT()_VQ()
+                * _DONE_WAIT[NUM_WAIT], i.e. enough time has passed or enough
+                * results have arrived, then the interrupt is sent.  Otherwise,
+                * it is not sent due to coalescing.
+               * When CPT()_VQ()_DONE_ACK is written (or CPT()_VQ()_DONE is
+               * written but this is not typical), the interrupt coalescing
+               * timer restarts.  Note after decrementing this interrupt
+               * equation is recomputed, for example if CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE]
+               * >= CPT()_VQ()_DONE_WAIT[NUM_WAIT] and because the timer is
+               * zero, the interrupt will be resent immediately.  (This covers
+               * the race case between software acknowledging an interrupt and
+               * a result returning.)
+               * When CPT()_VQ()_DONE_ENA_W1S[DONE] = 0, interrupts are not
+               * sent, but the counting described above still occurs.
+               Since CPT instructions complete out-of-order, if software is
+               using completion interrupts the suggested scheme is to request a
+               DONEINT on each request, and when an interrupt arrives perform a
+               "greedy" scan for completions; even if a later command is
+               acknowledged first this will not result in missing a completion.
+               Software is responsible for making sure [DONE] does not overflow
+               ; for example by insuring there are not more than 2^20-1
+               instructions in flight that may request interrupts.
+                */
+               uint64_t reserved_20_63        : 44;
+#endif /* Word 0 - End */
+       } s;
+       /* struct cptx_vqx_done_s cn; */
+} cptx_vqx_done_t;
+ * Register (NCB) cpt#_vq#_done_ack
+ *
+ * CPT Queue Done Count Ack Registers
+ * This register is written by software to acknowledge interrupts.
+ */
+typedef union {
+       uint64_t u;
+       struct cptx_vqx_done_ack_s {
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 0 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_20_63        : 44;
+               uint64_t done_ack              : 20;
+               /**< [ 19:  0](R/W/H) Number of decrements to CPT()_VQ()_DONE
+                * [DONE]. Reads CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE].
+               Written by software to acknowledge interrupts. If CPT()_VQ()_
+               DONE[DONE] is still nonzero the interrupt will be re-sent if the
+               conditions described in CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] are satisfied.
+                */
+#else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t done_ack              : 20;
+               /**< [ 19:  0](R/W/H) Number of decrements to CPT()_VQ()_DONE
+                * [DONE]. Reads CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE].
+               Written by software to acknowledge interrupts. If CPT()_VQ()_
+               DONE[DONE] is still nonzero the interrupt will be re-sent if the
+               conditions described in CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] are satisfied.
+                */
+               uint64_t reserved_20_63        : 44;
+#endif /* Word 0 - End */
+       } s;
+       /* struct cptx_vqx_done_ack_s cn; */
+} cptx_vqx_done_ack_t;
+ * Register (NCB) cpt#_vq#_done_wait
+ *
+ * CPT Queue Done Interrupt Coalescing Wait Registers
+ * Specifies the per queue interrupt coalescing settings.
+ */
+typedef union {
+       uint64_t u;
+       struct cptx_vqx_done_wait_s {
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 0 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_48_63        : 16;
+               uint64_t time_wait             : 16;
+               /**< [ 47: 32](R/W) Time hold-off. When CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] =
+                * 0, or CPT()_VQ()_DONE_ACK is written a timer is cleared. When
+                * the timer reaches [TIME_WAIT]*1024 then interrupt coalescing
+                * ends; see CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE]. If 0x0, time coalescing is
+                * disabled.
+                **/
+               uint64_t reserved_20_31        : 12;
+               uint64_t num_wait              : 20;
+               /**< [ 19:  0](R/W) Number of messages hold-off. When
+                * CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] >= [NUM_WAIT] then interrupt coalescing
+                * ends; see CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE]. If 0x0, same behavior as
+                * 0x1.
+                **/
+#else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t num_wait              : 20;
+               /**< [ 19:  0](R/W) Number of messages hold-off. When
+                * CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] >= [NUM_WAIT] then interrupt coalescing
+                * ends; see CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE]. If 0x0, same behavior as
+                * 0x1.
+                **/
+               uint64_t reserved_20_31        : 12;
+               uint64_t time_wait             : 16;
+               /**< [ 47: 32](R/W) Time hold-off. When CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] =
+                * 0, or CPT()_VQ()_DONE_ACK is written a timer is cleared. When
+                * the timer reaches [TIME_WAIT]*1024 then interrupt coalescing
+                * ends; see CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE]. If 0x0, time coalescing is
+                * disabled.
+                **/
+               uint64_t reserved_48_63        : 16;
+#endif /* Word 0 - End */
+       } s;
+       /* struct cptx_vqx_done_wait_s cn; */
+} cptx_vqx_done_wait_t;
+ * Register (NCB) cpt#_vq#_doorbell
+ *
+ * CPT Queue Doorbell Registers
+ * Doorbells for the CPT instruction queues.
+ */
+typedef union {
+       uint64_t u;
+       struct cptx_vqx_doorbell_s {
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 0 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_20_63        : 44;
+               uint64_t dbell_cnt             : 20;
+               /**< [ 19:  0](R/W/H) Number of instruction queue 64-bit words
+                * to add to the CPT instruction doorbell count. Readback value
+                * is the the current number of pending doorbell requests.
+               If counter overflows CPT()_VQ()_MISC_INT[DBELL_DOVF] is set.
+               To reset the count back to zero, write one to clear
+               CPT()_VQ()_MISC_INT_ENA_W1C[DBELL_DOVF], then write a value of
+               2^20 minus the read [DBELL_CNT], then write one to
+               CPT()_VQ()_MISC_INT_W1C[DBELL_DOVF] and
+               CPT()_VQ()_MISC_INT_ENA_W1S[DBELL_DOVF].
+               Must be a multiple of 8.  All CPT instructions are 8 words and
+               require a doorbell count of multiple of 8.
+                */
+#else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t dbell_cnt             : 20;
+               /**< [ 19:  0](R/W/H) Number of instruction queue 64-bit words
+                * to add to the CPT instruction doorbell count. Readback value
+                * is the the current number of pending doorbell requests.
+               If counter overflows CPT()_VQ()_MISC_INT[DBELL_DOVF] is set.
+               To reset the count back to zero, write one to clear
+               CPT()_VQ()_MISC_INT_ENA_W1C[DBELL_DOVF], then write a value of
+               2^20 minus the read [DBELL_CNT], then write one to
+               CPT()_VQ()_MISC_INT_W1C[DBELL_DOVF] and
+               CPT()_VQ()_MISC_INT_ENA_W1S[DBELL_DOVF].
+               Must be a multiple of 8.  All CPT instructions are 8 words and
+               require a doorbell count of multiple of 8.
+                */
+               uint64_t reserved_20_63        : 44;
+#endif /* Word 0 - End */
+       } s;
+       /* struct cptx_vqx_doorbell_s cn; */
+} cptx_vqx_doorbell_t;
+ * Register (NCB) cpt#_vq#_inprog
+ *
+ * CPT Queue In Progress Count Registers
+ * These registers contain the per-queue instruction in flight registers.
+ */
+typedef union {
+       uint64_t u;
+       struct cptx_vqx_inprog_s {
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 0 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_8_63         : 56;
+               uint64_t inflight              : 8;
+               /**< [  7:  0](RO/H) Inflight count. Counts the number of
+                * instructions for the VF for which CPT is fetching, executing
+                * or responding to instructions. However this does not include
+                * any interrupts that are awaiting software handling
+                * (CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] != 0x0).
+               A queue may not be reconfigured until:
+               1. CPT()_VQ()_CTL[ENA] is cleared by software.
+               2. [INFLIGHT] is polled until equals to zero.
+                */
+#else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t inflight              : 8;
+               /**< [  7:  0](RO/H) Inflight count. Counts the number of
+                * instructions for the VF for which CPT is fetching, executing
+                * or responding to instructions. However this does not include
+                * any interrupts that are awaiting software handling
+                * (CPT()_VQ()_DONE[DONE] != 0x0).
+               A queue may not be reconfigured until:
+               1. CPT()_VQ()_CTL[ENA] is cleared by software.
+               2. [INFLIGHT] is polled until equals to zero.
+                */
+               uint64_t reserved_8_63         : 56;
+#endif /* Word 0 - End */
+       } s;
+       /* struct cptx_vqx_inprog_s cn; */
+} cptx_vqx_inprog_t;
+ * Register (NCB) cpt#_vq#_misc_int
+ *
+ * CPT Queue Misc Interrupt Register
+ * These registers contain the per-queue miscellaneous interrupts.
+ */
+typedef union {
+       uint64_t u;
+       struct cptx_vqx_misc_int_s {
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 0 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_7_63         : 57;
+               uint64_t fault                 : 1;
+               /**< [  6:  6](R/W1C/H) Translation fault detected. */
+               uint64_t hwerr                 : 1;
+               /**< [  5:  5](R/W1C/H) Hardware error from engines. */
+               uint64_t swerr                 : 1;
+               /**< [  4:  4](R/W1C/H) Software error from engines. */
+               uint64_t nwrp                  : 1;
+               /**< [  3:  3](R/W1C/H) NCB result write response error. */
+               uint64_t irde                  : 1;
+               /**< [  2:  2](R/W1C/H) Instruction NCB read response error. */
+               uint64_t dovf                  : 1;
+               /**< [  1:  1](R/W1C/H) Doorbell overflow. */
+               uint64_t mbox                  : 1;
+               /**< [  0:  0](R/W1C/H) PF to VF mailbox interrupt. Set when
+                * CPT()_VF()_PF_MBOX(0) is written.
+                **/
+#else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t mbox                  : 1;
+               /**< [  0:  0](R/W1C/H) PF to VF mailbox interrupt. Set when
+                * CPT()_VF()_PF_MBOX(0) is written.
+                **/
+               uint64_t dovf                  : 1;
+               /**< [  1:  1](R/W1C/H) Doorbell overflow. */
+               uint64_t irde                  : 1;
+               /**< [  2:  2](R/W1C/H) Instruction NCB read response error. */
+               uint64_t nwrp                  : 1;
+               /**< [  3:  3](R/W1C/H) NCB result write response error. */
+               uint64_t swerr                 : 1;
+               /**< [  4:  4](R/W1C/H) Software error from engines. */
+               uint64_t hwerr                 : 1;
+               /**< [  5:  5](R/W1C/H) Hardware error from engines. */
+               uint64_t fault                 : 1;
+               /**< [  6:  6](R/W1C/H) Translation fault detected. */
+               uint64_t reserved_5_63         : 59;
+#endif /* Word 0 - End */
+       } s;
+       /* struct cptx_vqx_misc_int_s cn; */
+} cptx_vqx_misc_int_t;
+ * Register (NCB) cpt#_vq#_saddr
+ *
+ * CPT Queue Starting Buffer Address Registers
+ * These registers set the instruction buffer starting address.
+ */
+typedef union {
+       uint64_t u;
+       struct cptx_vqx_saddr_s {
+#if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) /* Word 0 - Big Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_49_63        : 15;
+               uint64_t ptr                   : 43;
+               /**< [ 48:  6](R/W/H) Instruction buffer IOVA <48:6>
+                * (64-byte aligned). When written, it is the initial buffer
+                * starting address; when read, it is the next read pointer to
+                * be requested from L2C. The PTR field is overwritten with the
+                * next pointer each time that the command buffer segment is
+                * exhausted. New commands will then be read from the newly
+                * specified command buffer pointer.
+                **/
+               uint64_t reserved_0_5          : 6;
+#else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */
+               uint64_t reserved_0_5          : 6;
+               uint64_t ptr                   : 43;
+               /**< [ 48:  6](R/W/H) Instruction buffer IOVA <48:6>
+                * (64-byte aligned). When written, it is the initial buffer
+                * starting address; when read, it is the next read pointer to
+                * be requested from L2C. The PTR field is overwritten with the
+                * next pointer each time that the command buffer segment is
+                * exhausted. New commands will then be read from the newly
+                * specified command buffer pointer.
+                **/
+               uint64_t reserved_49_63        : 15;
+#endif /* Word 0 - End */
+       } s;
+       /* struct cptx_vqx_saddr_s cn; */
+} cptx_vqx_saddr_t;
+#endif /*__CPT_HW_TYPES_H*/
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/cpt/base/mcode_defines.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e7e60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/cpt/base/mcode_defines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef _MCODE_DEFINES_H_
+#define _MCODE_DEFINES_H_
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+/*SE opcodes*/
+#define MAJOR_OP_FC         0x33
+#define MAJOR_OP_HASH       0x34
+#define MAJOR_OP_HMAC       0x35
+#define MAJOR_OP_ZUC_SNOW3G       0x37
+#define MAJOR_OP_KASUMI           0x38
+#define  BYTE_16 16
+#define  BYTE_24 24
+#define  BYTE_32 32
+#define  MAX_BUF_CNT 1024
+#define  MAX_SG_IN_OUT_CNT 16
+#define  MAX_SG_CNT (MAX_SG_IN_OUT_CNT/2)
+#define  ENCRYPT 1
+#define  DECRYPT 0
+#define  DMA_MODE  (1 << 7)  /* Default support is with SG */
+#define FROM_CTX 0
+#define FROM_DPTR 1
+typedef enum {
+       MD5_TYPE        = 1,
+       SHA1_TYPE       = 2,
+       SHA2_SHA224     = 3,
+       SHA2_SHA256     = 4,
+       SHA2_SHA384     = 5,
+       SHA2_SHA512     = 6,
+       GMAC_TYPE       = 7,
+       XCBC_TYPE       = 8,
+       SHA3_SHA224     = 10,
+       SHA3_SHA256     = 11,
+       SHA3_SHA384     = 12,
+       SHA3_SHA512     = 13,
+       SHA3_SHAKE256   = 14,
+       SHA3_SHAKE512   = 15,
+       /* These are only for software use */
+       ZUC_EIA3        = 0x90,
+       SNOW3G_UIA2     = 0x91,
+       KASUMI_F9_CBC   = 0x92,
+       KASUMI_F9_ECB   = 0x93,
+} mc_hash_type_t;
+typedef enum {
+       /*
+        * These are defined by MC for Flexi crypto
+        * for field of 4 bits
+        */
+       DES3_CBC    = 0x1,
+       DES3_ECB    = 0x2,
+       AES_CBC     = 0x3,
+       AES_ECB     = 0x4,
+       AES_CFB     = 0x5,
+       AES_CTR     = 0x6,
+       AES_GCM     = 0x7,
+       AES_XTS     = 0x8,
+       /* These are only for software use */
+       ZUC_EEA3        = 0x90,
+       SNOW3G_UEA2     = 0x91,
+       KASUMI_F8_CBC   = 0x92,
+       KASUMI_F8_ECB   = 0x93,
+} mc_cipher_type_t;
+typedef enum {
+       AES_128_BIT = 0x1,
+       AES_192_BIT = 0x2,
+       AES_256_BIT = 0x3
+} mc_aes_type_t;
+typedef enum {
+       /*Microcode errors*/
+       NO_ERR = 0x00,
+       /*SCATTER GATHER*/
+       /*SE GC*/
+       ERR_GC_LENGTH_INVALID = 0x41,
+       ERR_GC_DATA_LEN_INVALID = 0x43,
+       ERR_GC_DRBG_TYPE_INVALID = 0x44,
+       ERR_GC_CTX_LEN_INVALID = 0x45,
+       ERR_GC_OFFSET_INVALID = 0x48,
+       ERR_GC_ICV_MISCOMPARE = 0x4c,
+       ERR_GC_DATA_UNALIGNED = 0x4d,
+       /* API Layer */
+       ERR_BAD_ALT_CCODE = 0xfd,
+       ERR_REQ_PENDING = 0xfe,
+       ERR_REQ_TIMEOUT = 0xff,
+       ERR_BAD_INPUT_LENGTH = (0x40000000 | 384),    /* 0x40000180 */
+       ERR_EIO,
+       ERR_ENODEV,
+} mc_error_code_t;
+/* FC offset_control at start of DPTR in bytes */
+#define OFF_CTRL_LEN  8 /* bytes */
+#define SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE 64
+typedef union {
+       uint64_t flags;
+       struct {
+               uint64_t enc_cipher   : 4;
+               uint64_t reserved1    : 1;
+               uint64_t aes_key      : 2;
+               uint64_t iv_source    : 1;
+               uint64_t hash_type    : 4;
+               uint64_t reserved2    : 3;
+               uint64_t auth_input_type : 1;
+               uint64_t mac_len      : 8;
+               uint64_t reserved3    : 8;
+               uint64_t encr_offset  : 16;
+               uint64_t iv_offset    : 8;
+               uint64_t auth_offset  : 8;
+               uint64_t auth_offset  : 8;
+               uint64_t iv_offset    : 8;
+               uint64_t encr_offset  : 16;
+               uint64_t reserved3    : 8;
+               uint64_t mac_len      : 8;
+               uint64_t auth_input_type : 1;
+               uint64_t reserved2    : 3;
+               uint64_t hash_type    : 4;
+               uint64_t iv_source    : 1;
+               uint64_t aes_key      : 2;
+               uint64_t reserved1    : 1;
+               uint64_t enc_cipher   : 4;
+       } e;
+} encr_ctrl_t;
+typedef struct {
+       encr_ctrl_t enc_ctrl;
+       uint8_t  encr_key[32];
+       uint8_t  encr_iv[16];
+} mc_enc_context_t;
+typedef struct {
+       uint8_t  ipad[64];
+       uint8_t  opad[64];
+} mc_fc_hmac_context_t;
+typedef struct {
+       mc_enc_context_t     enc;
+       mc_fc_hmac_context_t hmac;
+} mc_fc_context_t;
+typedef struct {
+       uint8_t encr_auth_iv[16];
+       uint8_t ci_key[16];
+       uint8_t zuc_const[32];
+} mc_zuc_snow3g_ctx_t;
+typedef struct {
+       uint8_t reg_A[8];
+       uint8_t ci_key[16];
+} mc_kasumi_ctx_t;
+#define ENC_CTRL(fctx)  fctx.enc.enc_ctrl.e
+#define AUTH_CTRL(fctx) fctx.auth.auth_ctrl
+#define P_ENC_CTRL(fctx)  fctx->enc.enc_ctrl.e
+#define MAX_IVLEN 16
+#define MAX_KEYLEN 32
+ * Enumeration cpt_comp_e
+ *
+ * CPT Completion Enumeration
+ * Enumerates the values of CPT_RES_S[COMPCODE].
+ */
+typedef enum {
+       CPT_COMP_E_NOTDONE    = (0x00),
+       CPT_COMP_E_GOOD       = (0x01),
+       CPT_COMP_E_FAULT      = (0x02),
+       CPT_COMP_E_SWERR      = (0x03),
+       CPT_COMP_E_HWERR      = (0x04),
+       CPT_COMP_E_LAST_ENTRY = (0xFF)
+} cpt_comp_e_t;
+/** @endcond */
+#endif /* _MCODE_DEFINES_H_ */

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