This is consuming stdin.
> I guess the will have nothing to check in the next step.
> We should merge Neil's patch first, because he is adding a tmpfile
> to solve the issue of stdin read only once.

Yup. Missed the fact stdin is consumed. temp file is a good idea

> > +             [ $? -eq 0 ] || return 0
> This test looks reversed: if the result is not 0, we should not return 0.
> And by the way, I think it is better to continue with other checks.
> Neil's patch is setting ret=1, continue and return at the end.
> >               report=$($DPDK_CHECKPATCH_PATH $options - 2>/dev/null)

As it was agreed that this check should only warn and not fail the tests,
The actual situation is that the function check_forbidden_additions()
always returns zero.
Once Neils patch is in, I can align to the return value propagation,
but the current code never fails  (that may change of course for future
different tokens)


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