On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 02:51:43PM +0000, Iremonger, Bernard wrote:
> Hi Adrien, Ferruh,
> <snip>
> > (Another patch will separate testpmd_flow.rst? and add maintainership for 
> > it)
> There is also a lot of flow related code in dpdk/app/test-pmd/config.c (lines 
> 985 to 1623), maybe this should be moved to a separate file also, with 
> maintainership added for the new file?

I will consider it also, although the majority of that code is a copy of
rte_flow_copy(), which was added later for failsafe PMD needs.

Testpmd was supposed to use the public version but I wanted to replace
rte_flow_copy() with the more flexible rte_flow_conv() first [1][2].

[1] "[PATCH v1 2/7] ethdev: replace flow API object copy function"
[2] "[PATCH v1 4/7] app/testpmd: rely on flow API conversion function"

Adrien Mazarguil

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