You need to make sure you don't bind the ssh interface to DPDK
(If you are using version prior to DPDK1.4 you need to blacklist your ssh
interface before running the example
you can see how here =>


On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Gopi Krishna B <gopi97468 at> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Gal Sagie <gal.sagie at> wrote:
>> Assigning an IP is a function of the network stack, DPDK and the NIC does
>> not need to be aware of that.
>> DPDK is just used to poll packets from the NIC and insert them into the
>> network stack start point inside rump kernels
>> In the tcp_http_get example it is assumed you are connected to a DHCP
>> server , this call is used to obtain an IP for the interface
>> using DHCP :
>>  if ((e = rump_pub_netconfig_dhcp_ipv4_oneshot("dpdk0")) != 0)
>> If you look at the udp echo server example, you can see how to set the IP
>> address statically using this call:
>> if (rump_pub_netconfig_ipv4_ifaddr(IFNAME,
>>             IF_ADDR, "") != 0)
>> Hi
> Thank you for the explanation.
> I am observing some problems now. Whenever I execute the ./webbrowser , I
> am loosing the SSH connection to the HP server. Why is this happening ? ,
> what could be the possible reasons ? I am clueless on this problem.
> The setup I have is as below:
> HP Server (one nic is for SSH connection (10.127.x.x) , another nic is
> controlled by DPDK (192.168.x.x))
> Linuxmachine (one nic is for SSH connection(10.127.x.x) , another
> nic(192.168.x.x) is directly connected with a LAN cable to the NIC on HP
> server controlled by DPDK)
> --
> Regards
> Gopi Krishna

Best Regards ,

The G.

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