Rump kernels is a flexible kernel architecture which runs in user space and
is a very interesting project, you can read more about it
here =>
It is currently part of the NetBSD source tree.

A project was made to integrate Intel DPDK inside Rump kernel networking
layer. (in order to provide a networking stack and user space on top of
You can read more about it here =>

By using this you can run TCP Server inside rump kernel client and
interface with the physical port using DPDK.

Gopi, you didnt give enough information what exactly you are trying to do,
you can look at the examples in the dpdk-rumptcpip
maybe its best you first try to run them and see everything works.
In order to write a TCP server application on top of Rump kernel you either
need to use the rump system call API's (starts with rump_..) or
use the libhijack  (You can read more about it in the rump kernels page)


On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Prashant Upadhyaya <
prashant.upadhyaya at> wrote:

> Hi Gopi,
> I have not worked with rumpkernel tcpip stack.
> Does it run 'with' the DPDK in the userspace and is your tcp client
> application interacting over sockets to that tcpip stack in user space ?
> If your stack is running in the kernel, then ofcourse you have to use a
> tap interface to interface with the kernel.
> Can you describe your usecase in more details eg. what is the dpdk app, is
> the tcp client itself the dpdk app and so forth.
> Normally, I use tcpclient/server as a normal linux kernel interfacing
> apps. I run a DPDK app and use a tap interface to switch packets in an out
> of the kernel. The kernel interacts over sockets with tcpclient/server as
> usual.
> Regards
> -Prashant
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gopi Krishna B
> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 8:13 PM
> To: dev at
> Subject: [dpdk-dev] sending and receiving packets
> Hi,
> I have DPDK 1.5 configured on my machine, I have also configured the rump
> kernel tcpip stack.
> Now, to check whether the setup works, I started *TCP Server
> application*on another machine and connected the LAN cable to the port
> which is controlled by DPDK.
> And I am running *TCP client application* on the machine having DPDK and
> rumpkernel tcpip stack.
> The tcp client and server cannot communicate, is there some other
> configuration to be taken care for the traffic to flow appropriately on the
> machine running DPDK.
> I have checked similar posts on the mailing list, but didnot get clue on
> how to debug the issue I am facing.
> Any pointer/suggestions would be really of great help.
> --
> Regards
> Gopi Krishna
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Best Regards ,

The G.

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