On Fri, 29 Nov 2013 17:50:34 -0200
Ariel Rodriguez <arodriguez at callistech.com> wrote:

>          Thanks for the answer, your explanation was perfect. Unfortunally
> , the client requirements are those, we need at traffic control level
> around 64 traffic metering controlers (traffic classes) at subscriber level.

I think you maybe confused by the Intel QoS naming. It is better to
think about it as 3 different classification levels and not get too hung
up about the naming.

The way to do what you want that is with 64 different 'pipes'.
In our usage:
        subport => VLAN
        pipe    => subscriber matched by tuple
        traffic class => mapping from DSCP to TC

>           Each subscriber have a global plan rate (each pipe have the same
> token bucket configuration), inside that plan there are different rules for
> the traffic (traffic classes). For Example, facebook traffic, twitter
> traffic, whatsapp traffic have different plan rates lower than the plan
> global rate but different than the others protocols. We could group those
> in one traffic class, but still the 4 traffic classes is a strong
> limitation for us, beacause each protocol mapped to a traffic class share
> the same configuration (facebook traffic, twitter traffic have had the same
> rate and more, they compete for the  same traffic class rate).
>           We have to compete against cisco bandwith control solution and at
> least we need to offer the same features. The cisco solution its a DPI but
> also a traffic control solution, its permit priorization of traffic and
> manage the congestion inside the network per subscriber and per application
> service. So apperently the dpdk qos scheduller doesnt fit for our needs.
>           Anyway, i still doesnt understand the traffic classes limitation.
> Inside the dpdk code of the qos scheduler i saw this:
> /** Number of queues per pipe traffic class. Cannot be changed. */

>          I follow where the code use that define and except for the struct
> rte_sched_port_hierarchy where its mandatory a bitwise field of two (0...3)
> , i dont see where is the limitation here (except for performance). Its
> worth to change the code to support more than 4 traffic classes, well i
> could try to change the code more precisely jejeje.  I just want to know if
> there are another limitation than a design desicion of that number. I dont
> want to make the effort for nothing maybe you guys can help me to
> understand why the limitation.
>           I strongly use the dpdk solution for feed our dpi solution, i
> wont change that because work greats!!! but its difficult to develop a
> traffic control managment from scratch and integrated with the dpdk in a
> clean way without touching the dpdk api, you guys just done that with the
> qos scheduler, i dont want to reinvent the wheel.
>           Again thank you for the patience, and for your expertise.

The limitation on number's of TC (and pipes) comes from the number of
bits available. Since the QoS code overloads the 32 bit RSS field in
the mbuf there isn't enough bits to a lot. But then again if you add lots
of pipes or subports the memory footprint gets huge.

Since it is open source, you could reduce the number of bits for one
field and increase the other. But having lots of priority classes
would lead to poor performance and potential starvation.

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