Hi, im working with the qos scheduler framework and i have a few
questions. Why the 4 traffic classes per pipe limitation? .

Im developing a deep packet inspection solution for a telecom company and i
we need more than just 4 traffic classes per pipe. Im able to recognise
almost all layer 7 applications, such as  youtube, p2p , netflix ,
google-ads , etc, etc and i really need to map this type of flows in
differents traffic classes.

         The idea is mark each flow depending on the provisioning
information and assign that flows to different subport depending on the
information given and assign a pipe with the subscriber contract rate, but
we really need to have more than 4 traffic clases, because we want to
control the bandwidth of different  layer 7 protocols flows. At most we
need 32 or 64 traffic classes per subscriber.

         I understand that in a given interval of time  a subscriber dont
use more than 4 protocols simultaneously , generally speaking , or 4
traffic classes in dpdk qos terminology, but the framework doesnt allow us
to configure more traffic classes.

         Im looking the code of qos scheduler and im not seeing why this
restriction. Is a performance problem, or a waste of resource problem? ,
 maybe when the port grinder search for the active queues for each traffic
class  the delay of iterating over all pipes and each traffic class is too
         Cisco have a bandwidth managment solution that claims to control a
million of subscribers simoultaneosly with 64 traffic classes per
subscriber (pipes) and 4 queues per traffic classes (Cisco solution calls
traffic clases  as "Bandwith controller per service or BWC , a subscriber
can have 64 BWC simoultaneasly). Its this posible? maybe this guys
implements the bandwidth managment in hardware?.
         Anyway i really need this feature , but if the qos scheduller
cannot scale to more than 4 traffic classes per pipe i would have to
implement a custom packet scheduler from scratch and i really dont want to
do that.

         Thanks for the patience, and sorry for my rusty english, im from

 Best Regards.

Ariel Horacio Rodriguez, Callis Technologies.

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