zzzxl1993 commented on code in PR #245:
URL: https://github.com/apache/doris-thirdparty/pull/245#discussion_r1827547272

@@ -1879,7 +1884,8 @@ void IndexWriter::mergeTerms(bool hasProx, IndexVersion 
indexVersion) {
             TermInfo termInfo;
             termInfo.set(dfs[i], freqPointer, proxPointer, (int32_t) 
(skipPointer - freqPointer));
             // Write a new TermInfo
-            termInfosWriter->add(smallestTerm, &termInfo);
+            std::string cur_term = 
lucene_wcstoutf8string(smallestTerm->text(), smallestTerm->textLength());
+            termInfosWriter->add(smallestTerm->field(), cur_term.data(), 
cur_term.length(), &termInfo);

Review Comment:
   Because we have two types in clucene: STermInfosWriter and TermInfosWriter, 
I only modified the code logic in STermInfosWriter. My expectation is to 
maintain only one process within STermInfosWriter.

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