Volker Merschmann schrieb:
> Hi,
> 2010/9/29 michael <mikea...@openoffice.org>:
>> "On 09/29/2010 05:01 AM, Joost Andrae wrote:
>>> Dear QA project team,
>>> those of you interested into good quality of OpenOffice.org 3.3 should
>> at least start now to check the current OOO330m9 developer milestone
>> http://download.openoffice.org/next/ to find show stopper issues. In a
>> few weeks we will start OpenOffice.org's release candidate phase. Please
>> have a look at the new implemented features listed here:
>> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Feature_Freeze_Testing_3.3
>>> If you find stopper issues then please submit them within
>> OpenOffice.org's IssueTracker application
>> http://qa.openoffice.org/issue_handling/pre_submission.html and notify
>> the releases mailing list relea...@openoffice.org to get attention.
>>> Kind regards, Joost
>> For as long as I have been here folks have been saying they want a
>> foundation to control the project - every single person I have spoken
>> with, including Sun employees agreed with that.
>> Well here it is, may not be how you envisioned perhaps.
>> Currently the new foundation has asked Oracle to join, barring that to
>> allow the use of the branding items and barring that and only then, it
>> will be a total fork.
>> So, if that really was what you wanted:
>> If you work at Oracle, tell your employer that you want them to join the
>> new DocumentFoundation.
>> If you do not work for Oracle then the only leverage you have is your labor.
>> Now is no time to sit on the fence.
>> Use the only leverage you have, your labor, if you want Oracle to join
>> the new foundation.
>> Drew"
>> Quelle: d...@qa.openoffice.org
>> Ist das die erwartete Vorgehensweise und der gewünschte Tonfall?
>> Gruß
>> Michael
> Halte ich auch für unangemessen.
> Drew glänzt ja öfter mal mit blumiger Sprache, vielleicht hat er auch
> an ganz jemand anderen schreiben wollen.
> Gruß
> Volker
Danke für die Klarstellung zum Tonfall.

In der Sache ist noch die Frage offen, ob erwartet wird, die
Zusammenarbeit mit Oracle und den Projektmitgliedern, die bei Oracle
angestellt sind, auszusetzen, bis Oracle der Foundation Beitritt und
Marken- und sonstige Rechte an diese Überträgt.


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