Hallo Leute,
eben erschien auf der authors-Liste folgende Meldung von Jean Hollis Weber:
"Following a search link provided by Ben Horst, I discovered the
interesting (and news to me) fact that someone has published the
full-page-size version of our books at much higher prices ($100 for a
download that’s free from us, and $43-$50 for a printed copy that we are
selling for around $20). I can’t imagine why that pricing, though it's
true that the full-page-size books cost more to produce than the smaller
page size that I offer through Friends of OpenDocument Inc. But why would
someone charge so much so much for the download?
And I notice that whoever it is, is using “OOoAuthors” as their store
name, provides no other contact information, and says nothing about where
the money goes. Does anyone know who is doing this? (Yes, I know that
under the Creative Commons license this publishing is allowed. I'm just
wondering who is doing it, and why they haven't said anything to us. Seems
discourteous at the least.)
Offensichtlich geht die Abzockerei jetzt auch mit den Dokumentationen los
:( Dann ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis wir auch davor warnen müssen.
<Galgenhumor>Nur gut, dass wir erst zwei haben</Galgenhumor>
Wollte ich nur mal zur Information weitergeben.
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