And if someone with access rights wants to put that on,
there's a ticket for it:


On Tue, Apr 03, 2018 at 06:10:46PM +0000, Gandhi Rajan Natarajan wrote:

> Hi Sean,
> Please find the response from Sean Finan for the similar question I asked him 
> earlier:
> "Ctakes doesn't really have a steadfast process for making upgrades.
> You should create a jira item or use an existing one.  Any commits should 
> have a comment/message starting with the jira item.  For instance 
> "CTAKES-441: Add LabValueFinder".
> You can use patch files, attaching them to a jira item and requesting that 
> somebody test them before the changes are committed.  You may want to create 
> the patch using your git version and then commit it to ctakes using svn.
> If the change is significant then you could create an svn branch of ctakes 
> and then commit your changes to that branch.  Ask for assistance testing the 
> branch and then merge the branch into trunk."
> Hope it makes sense.
> Regards,
> Gandhi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mullane, Sean *HS []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2018 11:28 PM
> To: 'Finan, Sean' <>;
> Subject: RE: consequences of change to typesystem [EXTERNAL]
> I have made some minor changes to to fix this. 
> The bodyLocation attributes now get added via the anno_link table in the 
> database. I created JIRA issue 503 [0] for this issue, per the cTAKES wiki.
> Since this is my first time committing a change to the project I'm not sure 
> how to go about it. Is there a tutorial on how to file a pull request I can 
> reference?
> [0]
> Thanks,
> Sean
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mullane, Sean *HS []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 6:54 PM
> To: 'Finan, Sean';
> Subject: RE: consequences of change to typesystem [EXTERNAL]
> Sean,
> Glad I asked. I will try either what you suggested or the similar approach of 
> adding some code to handle the bare-annotation-as-feature case similarly to 
> how annotations inside FSArrays are handled.
> Thanks,
> Sean
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Finan, Sean []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 8:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: consequences of change to typesystem [EXTERNAL]
> Hi Sean,
> In case nobody else has replied,
> Yes, this would definitely break a whole lot of things.  I am not saying that 
> it is a bad idea, just that the current BinaryTextRelation interface is used 
> as-is in probably a thousand places, and while some refactoring might be 
> trivial I wouldn't bet that it all would be as easy as one would like.
> I haven't looked at the ytex DBConsumer, but could it possibly be easier to 
> add some code there that would check BinaryTextRelations and create a new 
> FSArray for each?  Stick those arrays in the cas immediately before and db 
> write() and you should be able to do what you want without impacting the rest 
> of ctakes.
> Sean
> ________________________________________
> From: Mullane, Sean *HS <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 6:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: consequences of change to typesystem [EXTERNAL]
> I am trying out a change to the typesystem (explained below). If it works as 
> I hope, I would want to contribute this back to the trunk. Before I invest 
> too much time into this, can anyone tell me if this is likely to break things 
> for other users? I am thinking of this causing problems reading existing 
> annotated corpora, like SHARP.
> Problem I'm trying to fix:
>                 The DBConsumer database writer from YTEX seems to ignore 
> BinaryTextRelation types (e.g. LocationOfTextRelation, used for the 
> bodyLocation feature on annotations like DiseaseDisorderMention). This is 
> because they are not added to the default AnnotationIndex index and are not 
> contained in FSArrays or FSLists inside other annotation types, like the 
> UmlsConcept annotations inside the ontologyConceptArr feature are.
> It seems that if I were to change the bodyLocation feature to be a FSArray of 
> annotations instead of a bare annotation, the DBConsumer should write it to 
> the output table and add an entry in the anno_link table.
> Would changing the type of the bodyLocation feature in certain 
> IdentifiedAnnotations break things for others?
> Thanks,
> Sean
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