Hi Sean,

Please find the response from Sean Finan for the similar question I asked him 

"Ctakes doesn't really have a steadfast process for making upgrades.

You should create a jira item or use an existing one.  Any commits should have 
a comment/message starting with the jira item.  For instance "CTAKES-441: Add 

You can use patch files, attaching them to a jira item and requesting that 
somebody test them before the changes are committed.  You may want to create 
the patch using your git version and then commit it to ctakes using svn.

If the change is significant then you could create an svn branch of ctakes and 
then commit your changes to that branch.  Ask for assistance testing the branch 
and then merge the branch into trunk."

Hope it makes sense.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mullane, Sean *HS [mailto:sp...@hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2018 11:28 PM
To: 'Finan, Sean' <sean.fi...@childrens.harvard.edu>; dev@ctakes.apache.org
Subject: RE: consequences of change to typesystem [EXTERNAL]

I have made some minor changes to DocumentMapperServiceImpl.java to fix this. 
The bodyLocation attributes now get added via the anno_link table in the 
database. I created JIRA issue 503 [0] for this issue, per the cTAKES wiki.

Since this is my first time committing a change to the project I'm not sure how 
to go about it. Is there a tutorial on how to file a pull request I can 

[0] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CTAKES-503


-----Original Message-----
From: Mullane, Sean *HS [mailto:sp...@hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 6:54 PM
To: 'Finan, Sean'; dev@ctakes.apache.org
Subject: RE: consequences of change to typesystem [EXTERNAL]


Glad I asked. I will try either what you suggested or the similar approach of 
adding some code to handle the bare-annotation-as-feature case similarly to how 
annotations inside FSArrays are handled.


-----Original Message-----
From: Finan, Sean [mailto:sean.fi...@childrens.harvard.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 8:40 AM
To: dev@ctakes.apache.org
Subject: Re: consequences of change to typesystem [EXTERNAL]

Hi Sean,

In case nobody else has replied,
Yes, this would definitely break a whole lot of things.  I am not saying that 
it is a bad idea, just that the current BinaryTextRelation interface is used 
as-is in probably a thousand places, and while some refactoring might be 
trivial I wouldn't bet that it all would be as easy as one would like.

I haven't looked at the ytex DBConsumer, but could it possibly be easier to add 
some code there that would check BinaryTextRelations and create a new FSArray 
for each?  Stick those arrays in the cas immediately before and db write() and 
you should be able to do what you want without impacting the rest of ctakes.

From: Mullane, Sean *HS <sp...@hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 6:05 PM
To: dev@ctakes.apache.org
Subject: consequences of change to typesystem [EXTERNAL]

I am trying out a change to the typesystem (explained below). If it works as I 
hope, I would want to contribute this back to the trunk. Before I invest too 
much time into this, can anyone tell me if this is likely to break things for 
other users? I am thinking of this causing problems reading existing annotated 
corpora, like SHARP.

Problem I'm trying to fix:
                The DBConsumer database writer from YTEX seems to ignore 
BinaryTextRelation types (e.g. LocationOfTextRelation, used for the 
bodyLocation feature on annotations like DiseaseDisorderMention). This is 
because they are not added to the default AnnotationIndex index and are not 
contained in FSArrays or FSLists inside other annotation types, like the 
UmlsConcept annotations inside the ontologyConceptArr feature are.

It seems that if I were to change the bodyLocation feature to be a FSArray of 
annotations instead of a bare annotation, the DBConsumer should write it to the 
output table and add an entry in the anno_link table.

Would changing the type of the bodyLocation feature in certain 
IdentifiedAnnotations break things for others?


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