Hi Eric,

Those good old days where you accepted my FULCRUM YAAFI contribution and 
proposed me as Turbine Committer :)



> On 13.02.2025, at 17:27, Eric Pugh <ep...@opensourceconnections.com> wrote:
> I remember those Turbine days!   We’ll miss you, and the door is more then 
> open to have you come back as things evolve/change!
>> On Feb 13, 2025, at 8:06 AM, Thomas Vandahl <t...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi Siggi,
>>> Am 12.02.2025 um 20:57 schrieb Siegfried Goeschl 
>>> <siegfried.goes...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> after long & careful consideration I decided to become an emeritus member. 
>>> The good news is, that it has nothing to with the ASF itself (and all of 
>>> the lengthy email threads). Having said that, I have nothing ASF-related to 
>>> do at work, less and less spare time due to my aging parents and would like 
>>> to spend that ever-decreasing spare time on my bicycle (before exchanging 
>>> it with that four-wheeled rollator).
>>> Looking back at 20 years of being a (more or less active) member of Apache 
>>> Turbine, XML-RPC, Commons, JSPWiki & Freemarker community I will definitely 
>>> remember the very first ApacheCon, the various hackathons, my own humble 
>>> presentations and the time with lovely, helpful, bright & enthusiastic 
>>> colleagues & friends.
>> I’m sorry to see you go. Being roughly the same age, I see your point, 
>> however. It was always a pleasure meeting you, talking and working with you. 
>> I hope that we will stay in contact, through other channels.
>> Have a good life and - if you feel like it - ping me anytime.
>> Best regards
>> Thomas.
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> _______________________
> Eric Pugh | Founder | OpenSource Connections, LLC | 434.466.1467 | 
> http://www.opensourceconnections.com <http://www.opensourceconnections.com/> 
> | My Free/Busy <http://tinyurl.com/eric-cal>  
> Co-Author: Apache Solr Enterprise Search Server, 3rd Ed 
> <https://www.packtpub.com/big-data-and-business-intelligence/apache-solr-enterprise-search-server-third-edition-raw>
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> Company Confidential unless explicitly stated otherwise, regardless of 
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