Hi folks, after long & careful consideration I decided to become an emeritus member. The good news is, that it has nothing to with the ASF itself (and all of the lengthy email threads). Having said that, I have nothing ASF-related to do at work, less and less spare time due to my aging parents and would like to spend that ever-decreasing spare time on my bicycle (before exchanging it with that four-wheeled rollator).
Looking back at 20 years of being a (more or less active) member of Apache Turbine, XML-RPC, Commons, JSPWiki & Freemarker community I will definitely remember the very first ApacheCon, the various hackathons, my own humble presentations and the time with lovely, helpful, bright & enthusiastic colleagues & friends. Cheers, Siegfried Goeschl PS: This is the non-official email before sending the official “Member Emeritus Request” to the Apache Secretary :-)