
Thank you for your effort and contribution.  I find it difficult to
evaluate your work without a pull request (a draft one will do) to show
what changes you have made.  It just makes reviewing much easier.  Can you
open a draft pull request please?


On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 3:54 AM Ricardo Mendes <ricardominamen...@gmail.com>

> Good evening,
> I have been working on a new small feature which aims to validate if a
> value is present in a configuration through a first match validation.
> This is useful when looking for specific values in multiple configurations
> and often can be leveraged to return the right Configuration if a value is
> present.
> It can also be used to validate the integrity of a Configuration.
> It is natively present in *java.util.Properties* (see JavaDoc
> <
> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Hashtable.html#containsValue-java.lang.Object-
> >
> ).
> I would like to ask if you find this worthy of being added to
> *commons.configuration2* and I would like to ask if it is ok if I submit a
> PR with this implementation?
> *My fork: *
> https://github.com/rikkarth/commons-configuration/tree/feat/configuration-contains-value
> Worth noting that this is my first implementation and I haven't written any
> JavaDoc or cleaned up (too much at least).
> I've made some tests which are passing (not on GitHub apparently).
> I would appreciate any feedback in regards to this implementation.
> Thank you for your time and consideration.
> Best Regards
> Ricardo Mendes

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