Hi, we made some progress on reading webp, but it's not complete, and the
writing features are still missing. I think the partial webp reading
feature has not been released yet, but it was already merged in master.


Feel free to test the latest version and provide any feedback, and should
you have time to work on some improvements in the code, feel free to submit
pull requests too. I am busy at $work right now (workflows and climate,
unfortunately not much imaging nor Java as it's mainly Python/Fortran) so
not likely to have much time to work on it.


On Wed, 13 Dec 2023 at 16:30, William Borg Barthet <
william.borgbart...@bloomreach.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I see on your roadmap that WEBP support is planned. Has this already been
> developed in an unreleased version? When will there be another release of
> the apache commons imaging project?
> https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-imaging/roadmap.html
> Thanks in advance,
> William

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