AFAIK it is NOT possible to have a lazy list populated on demand, because we 
cannot know the number of attachments in the HTTP body till we parse the body. 
The iterator (FileItemIterator) is the only working approach - you ask for the 
next attachment and you parse input stream further till you face one.

> On 11 Jul 2023, at 13:02, Romain Manni-Bucau <> wrote:
> This is a good point but guess it is not hard - and would be great - to fix
> it in tomcat, just needs to not use ArrayList but a lazy list which will
> behave like fileupload streaming API. Under the hood the API already uses
> the FileItemIterator , it just needs to be able to populate the list lazily.
> Romain Manni-Bucau
> @rmannibucau 
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> Le mar. 11 juil. 2023 à 12:57, Eugene Grybinnyk
> <> a écrit :
>> We tried to get rid of commons-fileupload in favour of Servlet API for our
>> project where we disable multipart and use streaming (not to store files on
>> the disk). And it looks like Servlet API doesn’t provide a convenient way
>> of streaming the attachments (like commons-fileupload does) so in the end
>> we concluded that we need to implement something similar to what we get
>> from commons-fileupload OR to wait for version commons-fileupload:2.0.
>> On 2023/07/09 14:45:21 Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
>>> Dumb question: what's the benefit of using commons-fileupload in 2023
>>> instead of the equivalent file upload feature of the  Servlet API?
>>> The use case I had in mind was to support file upload in very old
>>> Servlet containers still in production (Tomcat 6 or Jetty 7 for example,
>>> both EOL), but servers supporting the Jakarta API are recent and have
>>> the file upload feature integrated. I'd expect commons-fileupload to go
>>> to dormant in the near future rather than adapted for the jakarta
>> namespace.
>>> What did I miss?
>>> Emmanuel Bourg
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