With PrimeFaces we use a special plug-in for Shade that builds a second jar 
that renames javax to Jakarta everywhere and in maven central it adds the 
Jakarta classifier to the jar so we can have both javax and Jakarta versions 
built from the same code base. 

See:  https://github.com/primefaces/primefaces

@melloware on GitHub

> On Mar 30, 2022, at 5:50 PM, John Patrick <nhoj.patr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That would probably need to be a major release as it would break backwards
> compatibility for other consumers.
> I don't know the roadmap for fileupload but I would suggest raising a jira
> ticket for this new feature request.
> Looking at Tomcat 10.x it appears to be Servlet 5.0 specification which is
> either Jakarta EE 9 or Jakarta EE 9.1.
> Then looking at Jakarta EE 9 release in 2020-12-08, that did the breaking
> change from javax. to jakarta.
> I think this type of issue will happen more as I don't think all Apache
> Commons are at Java 1.8, but once they support Java 9 or new and they can
> support Multi Jar Releases it will be easier to support newer Java LTS
> like, 11 and 17. Then in 15 months we get Java 21 which i understand is the
> new 2 year LTS release schedule instead of the 3 year release schedule.
> Cheers,
> John
>> On Wed, 30 Mar 2022 at 21:33, Mark Foley <mfo...@novatec-inc.com> wrote:
>> Just now joining this list. I've installed Tomcat 10.0.17 which uses the
>> jakarta class, not javax. FileUpload 1.4 (the most recent as far as I
>> can tell) uses javax. Is FileUpload schedule for a new version using
>> jakarta?
>> Thanks --Mark

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