That would probably need to be a major release as it would break backwards
compatibility for other consumers.
I don't know the roadmap for fileupload but I would suggest raising a jira
ticket for this new feature request.

Looking at Tomcat 10.x it appears to be Servlet 5.0 specification which is
either Jakarta EE 9 or Jakarta EE 9.1.
Then looking at Jakarta EE 9 release in 2020-12-08, that did the breaking
change from javax. to jakarta.

I think this type of issue will happen more as I don't think all Apache
Commons are at Java 1.8, but once they support Java 9 or new and they can
support Multi Jar Releases it will be easier to support newer Java LTS
like, 11 and 17. Then in 15 months we get Java 21 which i understand is the
new 2 year LTS release schedule instead of the 3 year release schedule.


On Wed, 30 Mar 2022 at 21:33, Mark Foley <> wrote:

> Just now joining this list. I've installed Tomcat 10.0.17 which uses the
> jakarta class, not javax. FileUpload 1.4 (the most recent as far as I
> can tell) uses javax. Is FileUpload schedule for a new version using
> jakarta?
> Thanks --Mark

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