Hi Matt,

yes !!! My refactoring is done. All the tests work fine.

(I have added one example of a non-convex structure (horseshoe))

Thank you.



  |                            |
  |                            |
  |                            |
  |      +----------------|
  |      |
  |      |  x (1.5, 1.5, 0.5) Outside
  |      |-----------------+
  |                            |
  |                            |


  public void outsideHorseshoe()
    List< Vector2D > vertices2D = new ArrayList<>();
    // some kind of a horseshoe
    vertices2D.add( Vector2D.of( 0, 0 ) );
    vertices2D.add( Vector2D.of( 3, 0 ) );
    vertices2D.add( Vector2D.of( 3, 1 ) );
    vertices2D.add( Vector2D.of( 1, 1 ) );
    vertices2D.add( Vector2D.of( 1, 2 ) );
    vertices2D.add( Vector2D.of( 3, 2 ) );
    vertices2D.add( Vector2D.of( 3, 3 ) );
    vertices2D.add( Vector2D.of( 0, 3 ) );

    RegionBSPTree3D horseshoe = createPrism( vertices2D, 1, 0 );
    assertFalse( horseshoe.contains( Vector3D.of( 1.5, 1.5, 0.5 ) ) );


On 6/17/20 4:21 AM, Matt Juntunen wrote:
Hi Sven,

If the createVertices and createFacets methods don't construct convex polygons 
then perhaps you could bypass them completely and just construct the tree 
directly from the boundaries. Assuming that I understand your use case 
correctly, the following methods should do what you want:

private RegionBSPTree3D createPrism(List<Vector2D> polygon,
         double upperBound, double lowerBound,
         DoublePrecisionContext precision) {

     EmbeddingPlane plane = Planes.fromPointAndPlaneVectors(Vector3D.of(0, 0, 
             Vector3D.Unit.PLUS_X, Vector3D.Unit.PLUS_Y, precision);

     Vector3D extrudeVector = plane.getNormal().withNorm(upperBound - 

     return extrudePolygon(polygon, plane, extrudeVector, precision);

private RegionBSPTree3D extrudePolygon(List<Vector2D> polygon, EmbeddingPlane 
         Vector3D extrudeVector, DoublePrecisionContext precision) {

     List<Vector3D> basePoints = plane.toSpace(polygon);
     List<Vector3D> extrudedPoints = basePoints.stream()

     RegionBSPTree3D tree = RegionBSPTree3D.empty();

     // treat the plane as the top and the extruded plane as the bottom;
     // we'll invert the tree at the end if needed
     tree.insert(plane.span()); // top
             precision).span()); // bottom

     // create the sides of the prism
     int size = polygon.size();
     for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
                     extrudedPoints.get((i + 1) % size),
                     basePoints.get((i + 1) % size)
                 ), precision));

     // complement the tree if the "top" wasn't actually the top
     if (plane.getNormal().dot(extrudeVector) > 0) {

     return tree;

Note that these methods assume that the polygon contains at least 3 unique 
vertices, the first vertex is not repeated at the end, and that the upper and 
lower bounds are not equal.

Hopefully this helps.


From: Sven Rathgeber<sven.rathge...@web.de>
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 3:46 AM
To: Commons Developers List<dev@commons.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [geometry] Transition from PolyhedronSet to ??? (RegionBSPTree3D ?)

Hi Matt,

  > 2. Yes, the LinecastPoint3D object that you get from linecasting
contains the intersection point as well as the surface normal at the
point of intersection.

thanks - that did the job and I could do the whole refactoring, but the
tests fail.

We used the PolyHedronsSet to model non-convex regions and that worked well.

Now the "indexedConvexPolygons" is strict and forbids that (walk your
talk :) ).

Is there a way to handle non-convex regions ?



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