> On 16 Mar 2020, at 18:58, Claude Warren <cla...@xenei.com> wrote:
> First I think that the hasher.getBits( Shape ) should be renamed to
> iterator( Shape ). It was poorly named at the start.
I can fix that.
> By definition a Hasher knows how many items it is going to insert.
> The Shape tells the hasher how many hash functions to apply to each item.
OK. This is may misunderstanding. There is a contract that the Hasher is
expected to fulfil but it is just not recorded in the javadoc. I can update the
docs to indicate that:
"A Hasher represents items of arbitrary byte size as a byte representation of
fixed size (a hash). The hash for each item is created using a hash function;
use of different seeds allows generation of different hashes for the same item.
The hashes can be dynamically converted into the bit index representation used
by a Bloom filter. The shape of the Bloom filter defines the number of indexes
per item and the range of the indexes. The hasher functions to generate the
correct number of indexes in the range required by the Bloom filter for each
item it represents.
Note that the process of generating hashes and mapping them to a Bloom filter
shape may create duplicate indexes. The hasher may generate fewer than the
required number of hash functions per item if duplicates have been removed."
> The Shape number of items is how many items are expected to be in the final
> Bloom filter, it is more the expected value not a hard limit.
Yes. As discussed before this is not actually required for a Bloom filter to
function, it is required to maintain the intended purpose of the filter when it
was constructed.
> Keeping in mind the possibility of hash collisions, I don't see a way to
> check that the Hasher has respected the number of functions.
It would require encapsulating the Hasher functionality inside the Bloom
filter. That would require passing the hash function and/or hasher to the Bloom
filter on construction. The BloomFilter interface would then be changed to not
accept a hasher in the contains and merge methods but the raw byte[]
representation of an object. Or it could accept the Object itself if you
provide a method to convert the object to bytes.
Encapsulating the conversion of objects to the hash then to the indexes is how
the BloomFilter has been implemented in Guava. The implementation there is much
simpler. A BloomFilter is typed to accept objects of type T. It has three
Underneath it uses a Funnel<T> which you specify which converts T to one or
more primitives/byte[]/String that are passed to a Sink. The Sink accepts data
which is dynamically fed through a hash function.
- Simple encapsulation of adding items to a filter
- Dynamic hashing without large byte[] intermediate buffers
- No configuration of the hash function
- You lose type safety if you want to add different types of items. You have to
use T = Object.
> The static hasher for example will not return duplicates so it might appear
> that it has not respected the number of functions. In addition there is no
> indication from the hasher how many items it contains..
Yes. So we state that the hasher represents one or more items.
> The inputs to the hash.builder are byte buffers that are fed to the hash
> algorithm. They are inputs to that algorithm. So primitive types would
> simply convert from the primitive type to its byte buffer representation.
> Is that what you meant?
I was unclear on the purpose of the Hasher.Builder. It seemed incomplete. If
the builder is to add items then it seems strange to have:
with(byte property)
with(String property)
It also seems strange to throw 'IllegalStateException if the Hasher is locked’
without explaining what this means. Is the builder intended to be concurrent?
What is ‘locked’? Etc.
The byte could not possibly represent many meaningful objects. The string is
trivially converted to UTF-8 bytes (as is done in the DynamicHasher). Both
these methods could be added to the interface as default methods or preferrably
dropped as they are so trivial.
I changed the documentation to remove the encoding as UTF-8 requirement from
the with(String) method. It seems like an implementation detail and a
Hasher.Builder implementation can decide how to convert the String. It is
faster to use UTF-16 bytes for instance. I understand UTF-8 is for
cross-platform standard. But mandating that it has to be done is too
restrictive IMO. It would be better as:
with(CharSequence, Charset)
I was interpreting the Hasher.Builder as a builder of a single byte[] for
hashing where you would pass different primitive values or byte[] for the same
Object you want to convert. This is essentially a ByteBuffer. But if it is to
receive an entire object for each call then (a) it should be documented as
such; (b) it should be simplified to just the byte[] method with perhaps
another one/two:
with(byte[], int length)
Adding the T method would make the interface typed as Hasher.Builder<T>. It
would require a function to convert items T to a byte[]:
Collection<T> items = ...
BloomFilter bf = …
Function<T, byte[]> converter = …
HashFunction hf = ...
for (T item : items) {
bf.merge(new DynamicHasher.Builder<>(hf, converter).with(item).build());
DynamicHasher.Builder<T> builder = new DynamicHasher.Builder<>(hf, converter);
for (T item : Collection<T>) {
I think the Hasher.Builder interface can be removed. It does not really add
anything to the API without a factory somewhere to be able to create
Hasher.Builder instances since each instance has no methods for reset:
Hasher h = factory.create().with(x).with(y).with(z).build();
If you do not have either a factory to create a Hasher.Builder or the ability
to reset a Builder then why have a Hasher.Builder interface? Passing around
just a single instance of the builder has limited use. I would drop the
interface and leave it to Hasher implementations to define how they want to be
> The hasher contract is that it will generate integers in the proper range
> and use the proper number of hash functions for each item that was added to
> the builder and that repeated calls to getBits(Shape) will return the same
> values.
> Did I misunderstand something?
No, I did. Hence the need to clarify all the javadoc.
What I think we are missing with the Hasher is the simplicity of the Guava
implementation. What you ideally would like to do is:
Collection<T> items = ...
BloomFilter bf = …
for (T item : items) {
Currently you have to do something like:
Collection<T> items = ...
BloomFilter bf = …
Function<T, Hasher> itemToHasher = …
for (T item : items) {
The itemToHasher is effectively an improved DynamicHasher.Builder<T> as above.
It would also be possible for the itemToHasher to recycle byte[] space by
returning the same Hasher object that has been reset and filled with the next
item. This would not be thread-safe but would save on intermediate storage.
All of this still fixes on having a byte[] representation to feed to a
HashFunction. Moving away from the current design would change HashFunction to
specify methods to accept blocks of data and have a final method to get the
hash. So making the HashFunction an online hash. This would then match Guava by
having the some object accept items T and require a function to map the item T
to blocks of data.
However I note that the current implementation that accepts a byte[] for each
call to get a hash value with a different seed can either use the byte[] or not
(if cyclic). If the HashFunction was online then the choice of cyclic or
iterative would not easily be possible. The Guava implementation creates a
single hash and then the BloomFilter always uses this with a cyclic method. So
the move away from the current design would be less flexible to allow different
implementations of hashing.
So we keep the byte[] interface to HashFunction for now. A performance test can
be used to determine if there is an advantage to an advanced
DynamicHasher.Builder which can recycle byte[] space. Javadoc should be added
to the HashFunction to indicate that the same bytes passed with the same seed
should create the same output. The same bytes with a different seed should
create different output with very high probability. A seed of zero is used as a
reset signal for implementations that have cached computation results that the
byte[] input is different from the previous call.
The last thing is that the Hasher.isEmpty() is not used anywhere except the
units tests. It seems strange to have it. Can we just assume a Hasher is not
empty. An empty hasher would return an iterator that does nothing.
In summary:
1. change Hasher getBits to iterator
2. improve documentation of Hasher and the contract that it should fulfil with
respect to items and a Shape
3. potentially drop Hasher.Builder unless there is a way to reset the Builder
or create more
4. Or make Hasher.Builder typed to an object <T> so it is clear the with(…)
methods are to accept a full representation of an item and add it to the
in-progress Hasher currently being built
5. Improve HashFunction javadoc on the use of the seed as a reset signal
6. Drop Hasher.isEmpty()
That should clarify the currently functionality.
Thought on this?
> Claude
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 6:34 PM Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 16/03/2020 07:57, Claude Warren wrote:
>>> I made a quick pass at changing getHasher() to iterator().
>> A look at the feasibility or have you started work on this? If so then
>> I'll not start work on it as well.
>> I changed master to return a boolean for the merge operations in
>> BloomFilter. So the outstanding changes are to drop getHasher() from the
>> BloomFilter interface in favour of an iterator, spliterator and a
>> forEachBit method.
>>> I think we can get rid of HasherBloomFilter as its purpose was really to
>>> create a Bloom filter for temporary usage and it doesn't seem to be
>>> required if we have a hasher that can be created from a Shape and a
>>> function that creates an Iterator.
>> I agree.
>> One change that could be made is to clarify the contract between a
>> Hasher and a BloomFilter. At present the Hasher can operate without a
>> defined contract in this method:
>> PrimitiveIterator.OfInt getBits(Shape shape)
>> It should validate that it can generate indexes for the shape. But it
>> doesn't have to. It could return unlimited indexes and they could be
>> outside the number of bits of the BloomFilter.
>> There does not appear to be any control anywhere on the number of hash
>> functions generated by the Hasher. I would expect this test in the
>> AbstractBloomFilterTest to pass:
>> @Test
>> public void hasherMergeTest() {
>> int n = 1;
>> int m = 10;
>> HashFunctionIdentity h = new
>> HashFunctionIdentityImpl("provider", "name",
>> Signedness.SIGNED, ProcessType.CYCLIC, 0L);
>> Hasher hasher = new Hasher() {
>> @Override
>> public boolean isEmpty() {
>> return false;
>> }
>> @Override
>> public HashFunctionIdentity getHashFunctionIdentity() {
>> return h;
>> }
>> @Override
>> public OfInt getBits(Shape shape) {
>> // Do not respect the shape number of hash functions
>> but do respect
>> // the number of bits
>> return IntStream.range(0, m).iterator();
>> }
>> };
>> for (int k = 1; k < 5; k++) {
>> Shape shape = new Shape(h, n, m, k);
>> BloomFilter bf = createEmptyFilter(shape);
>> bf.merge(hasher);
>> assertEquals("incorrect cardinality", k, bf.cardinality());
>> }
>> }
>> It currently does not as all the BloomFilters will not respect the Shape
>> with which they were created, i.e. they disregard the number of hash
>> functions in the Shape. So does the Hasher.
>> I think some of the control should be returned to the BloomFilter. The
>> Hasher would be reduced to a simple generator of data for the
>> BloomFilter, for example:
>> PrimitiveIterator.OfInt getBits(int m);
>> PrimitiveIterator.OfInt getBits(int k, int m);
>> PrimitiveIterator.OfLong getBits();
>> The BloomFilter then accept responsibility for converting the primitives
>> to a suitable index and creating the correct number of hash functions
>> (i.e. indexes).
>> A merge operation with a BloomFilter then becomes:
>> - check the Hasher is using the correct hash function identity
>> - ask the Hasher for an iterator
>> - set k bits in the filter using the iterator, mapping each to the range
>> [0, m)
>> The BloomFilter has then encapsulated its state and respects the Shape.
>> The HashFuntion will convert byte[] to a long.
>> The Hasher exists to convert anything to a byte[] format.
>> This perhaps needs the Hasher.Builder to be revised to include more
>> methods that accept all the primitive data types. These are all
>> converted to a single byte[] representation. Thus the Hasher.Builder is
>> effectively a specification for a ByteBuffer. Once an object is
>> decomposed into the byte[] it can be fed through the HashFunction with
>> different seeds or using the cyclic method to create the iterator. The
>> BloomFilter consumes the raw long output from the stream produced by the
>> Hasher and sets k bits within the range m.
>> Alex
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