I've submitted a PR with the functionality discussed in this thread for
JumpableUniformRandomProvider [1].
Some notes:
- The jump must return a copy.
This requires a bit of code all the way up to the base implementations
of IntProvider and LongProvider to copy the current state. I've done
this explicitly with copy constructors to avoid using clone() [2].
- The jump has a few requirements that are tested:
1. The copy is a new instance of the same class.
2. The sequence output from the original RNG after the jump must match
the reference implementation output.
3. The sequence output from the copy must match what would have been
output from the original RNG.
- The default implementations of the providers have cached state
To ensure the state is copied this is tested by comparing the state of
the copy with the state of the original pre-jump. This does not require
any knowledge of the original state. Just that the state can be accesses
using RestorableUniformRandomProvider.
To ensure that the state is cleared in the original RNG post-jump
requires that the state pre-jump is not zero and the state after the
jump is zero.
One method is to: create a generator, call nextInt or nextBoolean to
make it cache some state, do the jump; compare the output of nextInt or
nextBoolean to the copy and test it is different. However this requires
that the initial state is new (all zero bytes) and so the test must be
called in every test class for each generator by passing a new instance.
Alternatively a test is made using the state from
RestorableUniformRandomProvider. The size of the default state is known
and post-jump is checked to ensure it is zero. This test does not
require the pre-jump state to be zero and thus can be put into a
parametric test for all the JumpableUniformRandomProviders.
So the tests to check the output sequence post-jump are in the
individual tests for each provider and a JumpableProvidersParametricTest
tests the general requirements of a Jumpable RNG. This ensures all
generators in the library pass tests to ensure common functionality (the
copy is a new instance, the state is the same as the original, the
post-jump state of the original has reset the cached state).
- Some providers are LongJumpable
This will be added for RNG-98 and I created this PR with future
functionality in mind. The jump function to advance the state is named
performJump. For those without a LongJump the coefficients are not
passed as a parameter and can be hard coded. For any generator with a
LongJump function the computation of the jump in the performJump
function accepts an array of coefficients. This will be called with the
appropriate long jump coefficients to implement LongJumpable. The rest
of the code will be unchanged and new tests can be added to check the
long jump.
Comments are welcomed.
[1] https://github.com/apache/commons-rng/pull/48
[2] https://www.artima.com/intv/bloch13.html
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