commons-parent has an empty profile jdk7-plugin-fix-version that activates for 
Java 7. 

I created a similar profile in the parent for commons-rng that activates for 
Java 8 and moved the checkstyle configuration into there. It now works with the 
latest checkstyle version.

So the target remains at 1.6 but developer tools can be up-to-date.


> On 12 Feb 2019, at 20:59, Pascal Schumacher <> wrote:
> Am 11.02.2019 um 22:15 schrieb sebb:
>> Aren't there different profiles for different Java versions?
>> There was at least one plugin which needed different versions, so
>> maybe take the same approach here.
>> It's a bit more work to set up the pom, but it saves a lot of work
>> downstream fixing component poms and/or answering complaints that the
>> build fails ...
> +1, good idea
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