
Le mar. 12 févr. 2019 à 11:22, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> If checkstyle 7+ requires Java 8 then this is a blocker for common-rng.
> That still supports Java 1.6.

This is the target (so that it can *run* on older JRE).
But the build/validation tools can well have different requirements.

> I did not intend to update commons-parent, only the project. The topic
> of the parent was introduced just to state that there was no management
> of checkstyle. The consensus appears to be that checkstyle versions are
> maintained on a project basis

No, I don't think that's the conclusion of this thread.
See answer/indications by Sebb on how to introduce management
at the parent level.

> and the version is possibly limited by
> their Java dependency.
> For now I will leave checkstyle config alone. Any project moving to Java
> 1.8 can upgrade.
> The current workaround to get functionality within an IDE is to maintain
> a local copy of the checkstyle.xml outside the source tree, updated for
> checkstyle 8, and point the IDE plugin at that.

Unless I'm missing something that needn't be so.


> Thanks for the advice.
> Alex
> On 11/02/2019 21:15, sebb wrote:
> > On Mon, 11 Feb 2019 at 18:10, Pascal Schumacher
> > <pascalschumac...@gmx.net> wrote:
> >> Am 11.02.2019 um 12:19 schrieb Alex Herbert:
> >>> I would like to upgrade the checkstyle version in commons-rng.
> >>> Currently the project uses maven-checkstyle-plugin 3.0.0 which
> >>> defaults to checkstyle 6.18.
> >>>
> >>> This version is old [1] and not supported by modern IDEs. An update
> >>> (to version 8.x) would allow checkstyle to be run within the IDE and
> >>> avoid separate checks of the checkstyle report on the command line.
> >>>
> >>> There is no management of the checkstyle version in commons-parent. I
> >>> would like to get a consensus on the versions used across commons and
> >>> any reason to not upgrade. There may be legacy reasons I am unaware of.
> >> Checkstyle 7+ requires Java 8 and not that long ago (almost) all commons
> >> projects required only Java 7 or less.
> >>
> >> Imho commons-parent can use the most recent check-style version (8.17).
> >> Of course this would force projects which use Java 7 or less to override
> >> the checkstyle version when they update to the latest commons-parent
> >> version.
> > Aren't there different profiles for different Java versions?
> > There was at least one plugin which needed different versions, so
> > maybe take the same approach here.
> >
> > It's a bit more work to set up the pom, but it saves a lot of work
> > downstream fixing component poms and/or answering complaints that the
> > build fails ...

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