Here's my own vote [ X ] +1 Release it.
I believe we have three binding votes (Gary, Oliver, and myself) but given that this is my first time preparing a RC, and that I could be overlooking something as I prepared the RC, I'd appreciate having a few more extra pair of eyes to review this RC, please :) Otherwise will announce the result and prepare the release this weekend (NZ time). CheersBruno ________________________________ From: Bruno P. Kinoshita <> To: Commons Developers List <> Sent: Sunday, 27 August 2017, 10:15:49 PM NZST Subject: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons CSV 1.5 based on RC1 Hello all, This is a [VOTE] for releasing Apache Commons CSV 1.5 (from RC1). Tag name: csv-1.5-RC1 (signature can be checked from git using 'git tag -v') Tag URL:;a=commit;h=f76a1357057cd3caaf9b0904d9cc57ce384658a3 Commit ID the tag points at: f76a1357057cd3caaf9b0904d9cc57ce384658a3 Site: Distribution files (committed at revision 21311): Distribution files hashes (SHA1): commons-csv-1.5-bin.tar.gz (SHA1: 4c2a4cde27c556f808c9999d354807579a208fcf) (SHA1: fea9c15a06e1f660b2bba30a5fba44a76492c02e) commons-csv-1.5-src.tar.gz (SHA1: e2c83f040fdfdb868184c019624d20b79113e004) (SHA1: 22f009e0e7be51c3c61fa667c02ac1822276c7b8) These are the Maven artifacts and their hashes: commons-csv-1.5-javadoc.jar (SHA1: 8008b611f677b9ba06988e8102887fa4caed93b5) commons-csv-1.5-sources.jar (SHA1: b76c277916ffef14d63279b896b6a82252ddeb79) commons-csv-1.5-test-sources.jar (SHA1: f7771a23ac6ec7d5183c65146135e51f6bf2c8fb) commons-csv-1.5-tests.jar (SHA1: 1209d9e86a83ac06d139ea02c4331a1426051ee7) commons-csv-1.5.jar (SHA1: e10f140af5b82167640f254fa9d88e35ad74329c) commons-csv-1.5.pom (SHA1: cffa8d9814f6d711a3cb57865e65927b1f54dcb0) KEYS file to check signatures: Maven artifacts: Please select one of the following options[1]: [ ] +1 Release it. [ ] +0 Go ahead; I don't care. [ ] -0 There are a few minor glitches: ... [ ] -1 No, do not release it because ... This vote will be open at least 72 hours, i.e. until 2017-08-30T10:00:00Z (this is UTC time). -------- Cheers, -Bruno [1] ps: I submitted this vote e-mail before at 06:00:00 UTC, but looks like the e-mail did not go through, so waited some hours before sending it again