What about this for a compromise: create Commons Math 5 as a multi-module
project and bring in as submodules only the newly minted components and
whatever gets spun out of Math 3/4.


On Aug 21, 2017 13:26, "Dave Brosius" <dbros...@apache.org> wrote:

> >> I get that what you are really trying to do is kill Commons Math off
> piece by piece. I just don’t agree with doing that.
> This is ridiculous. Giles is the primary person trying to keep some
> semblance of commons-math-like-stuff alive. He has asserted that there is
> no way he can maintain all of commons-math, and no one else is really all
> that interested.  Time has proven he is right.
> Given he is trying his best to keep code going, and actually the one doing
> the work, perhaps we should be a little bit less offensive about trying to
> shut him down.
> --dave
> On 08/21/2017 01:52 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
>> On Aug 21, 2017, at 4:39 AM, Gilles <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 21 Aug 2017 08:31:55 +0200, Benedikt Ritter wrote:
>>>> Am 20.08.2017 um 23:11 schrieb Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com
>>>>> >:
>>>>> I have to agree with Jochen and am -1 to this proposal. I have stated
>>>>> before that I don’t want to see Commons become the placeholder for all the
>>>>> Math related components. If Math has stuff that can’t be maintained then
>>>>> create a MathLegacy project in the sandbox and move the stuff there.
>>>> I’ve also already argued in that direction.
>>> I gave technical arguments in favour of the proposal (cf. first
>>> post in this thread).
>>> People opposing it give none.
>>> A sudden "allergy" of some PMC members to "math"-related code
>>> does not warrant rejecting non-obsolete code.[1]
>>> A good start would be to answer this question: Why is it bad (or
>>> worse than the current situation) to have this "new" component?
>> Technical arguments are not required since this is basically a
>> housekeeping issue.
>> I’m not sure why I would answer your last question since you are clearly
>> going to have a different opinion. But many of us believe that Math is a
>> great name for a project that contains math subcomponents, rather than
>> wading through a bunch of different Commons projects. Eventually you are
>> going to want Commons Statistics, Commons Transforms, Commons Primes, etc.
>> or things that are even more specific. All of these should be modules under
>> Math. To be honest, I’m really not clear why Commons Numbers was approved
>> as I’ve never heard anyone talk about complex numbers or fractions in
>> anything but a mathematical concept.
>> I get that what you are really trying to do is kill Commons Math off
>> piece by piece. I just don’t agree with doing that.
>> Ralph
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