This thread seems to have died. I am confused why no proposal has been created. 
7 people is certainly enough to propose something. Or is the desire simply to 
remain a subproject of Commons?


> On Jun 18, 2016, at 7:08 PM, Niall Pemberton <> 
> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 6:56 PM, Gilles <>
> wrote:
>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016 11:53:37 -0500, Matt Benson wrote:
>>> I think it is indicative of the position held by many, myself included,
>>> that a set of focused, math-related artifacts do not make sense at the
>>> Commons component level, and should be grouped as separate artifacts of
>>> Commons math or a TLP with the same basic structure.
>> We are getting close to the real problem.
>> Can we draw the conclusion, at last, that Commons Math does not make
>> sense in Commons?  [I'd hope so; since you make the point that even a
>> general functionality like random number generation would not make
>> sense here, then a monolithic library (with all sorts of math-related
>> functionalities) makes even less sense here.]
>> So I think that we could summarize the situation as follows:
>> * -1 for new components (Commons refuses)
>> * -1 for TLP (Commons refuses)
>> * -1 for incubator (until the situation is "clarified")
>> * -1 for no change (no committer left)
> There are two routes to a Math TLP - either directly (by board resolution)
> or via the Incubator. No-one here can veto either of those routes and with
> both routes the first thing to do would be to put together a proposal [1].
> The ASF board decides whether they will accept the "direct to TLP" route -
> and its usually based on having an existing experienced viable community.
> If thats not possible, then the route through the incubator is the
> alternative. Either way, you need to gather the people interested and write
> a proposal, which from the various threads looks like the following:
> - Gilles Sadowski
> - James Carmen
> - Gary Gregory
> - Jochen Weidman
> - Rob Tomkins
> - Eric Barnhill
> - Artem Barger
> Is there anyone else?
> Niall
> [1]
>> Gilles

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