On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 12:25 PM, James Carman
<ja...@carmanconsulting.com> wrote:
> We (the Commons PMC) have not decided yet what to do, but I just wanted to
> gauge the interest in joining the math IPMC if we choose to go TLP by way
> of the incubator. The idea would be that math (whatever its name may be),
> would go through the incubator in order to enrich its community prior to
> becoming a TLP. Do we have any folks willing to throw their hat in the ring?
> p.s. I've cross-posted to the incubator list as there are folks there who
> are very good at this stuff and could perhaps lend us some advice.

As I already wrote elsewhere: I could (and would) put an IPMC hat on.
(And a mentors hat as well.)

The next time you hear: "Don't reinvent the wheel!"


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