On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 10:47 AM, Benedikt Ritter <brit...@apache.org> wrote:

> I still have concerns about the IP, since this seems to be an Intel
> codebase. I do not have the necessary experience to say what would be the
> right way here. My gut feeling tells me, that we should go through the
> incubator. WDYT?

A possible solution. OTOH: These concerns must be resolved, either
way. So, have the Chimera project attempt to resolve them quickly. If
possible: Fine. If not: We still have the Incubator as a possibility.

For now, the important part seems to me that you explain, what these
concerns are?
"An Intel codebase" is not a problem as such. Question is: "Available
under what license?"



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