By matter of assocation (and some expressive freedom).

    Ajama -> Adama -> Battlestar Galactica -> Galactica -> Mathelactica.

And thus: Mathelactica the Apache Mathematics library

I think that name can fly (pun intented).


On 25/01/2016 13:24, Gilles wrote:
On Mon, 25 Jan 2016 13:41:46 +0100, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
Le 25/01/2016 13:21, Gilles a écrit :

 * AJaMa

The last one is short while fully descriptive:
the Apache JAva MAthematics library

This one will probably sound too similar with Jama, another math library:

I made the proposal knowing about this.

A few years ago, the JAMA project had been declared dead (although I do not
find the announcement page).
Anyways, it has not been updated since November 2012.
To be sure we could ask them.

A similar sounding name could be taken as a tribute... ;-)

Will the new TLP focus on Java libraries exclusively or will it be open
to implementations in other languages?

This is also a fundamental question.

Given that we could not even agree to evolve with the JDK (last release of
CM had to be Java *5* source-compatible!), it would be a (bad) joke (or a
revolution!) to throw other languages into the discussion.


Emmanuel Bourg

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