> I am not happy about proceeding, though, in the presence of the
> votes.  We like to make decisions by consensus and while this is a
> procedural decision and therefore subject to majority approval, I
> would like to ask those who case negative votes to reconsider.

I have an counter proposal: how about addressing most of the concerns

- merge the mavenisation cleanly, it is not asked too much to display
  it in master not gh-pages
- add some samples to the readme
- adopt commons codestyle

If those 3 things are done by the submitters I personally would be very
reliefed (I still would not see a case to use it myself, but at least
we wont have any ground for the rockstar argument anymore). I am not
sure about the "incubator" argument, as I understood it, it is not
needed for IP clearance.

And given the vote already passed you can just make the above clean-up
in git(hub) and get it merged to the sandbox.


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