Perhaps i am blind, but i don't see any maven, ant or gradle build files. You really need to add these for your code base to be accessible to others wanted to uptake it. (Hopefully maven).


On 09/29/2015 06:55 PM, Gary Gregory wrote:

Hello and welcome to Apache Commons.

It's not clear to me why Naomi is better than regular expressions. Pointing
to Javadocs is not the best way to get traction.

Your project would be better served by having some documentation on your
front page with an example driven tutorial.

Is Naomi faster than REs?

What can I do in Naomi that REs can't do? And vice-versa.

Examples of this on your front page would help you at least get folks to
consider learning a brand new way of doing things...


On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 1:06 PM, <> wrote:

My colleague Jeff Rothenberg and I, retirees, have developed an
alternative to
using regular expressions for searching for (and optionally replacing)
patterns in text. We believe it is generally useful to Java programmers and
would like to contribute it to Apache Commons, where we will continue to be
active in maintaining the software. You can find the software and
documentation at

Please let us know what further steps we should take to have our

Thank you,

     Norman Shapiro

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