Awesome. Thank you for the letting us know.
In fact I went ahead and started working on this.

What I had in mind, is a multiple components to be added under DBUtils,
* DML component: implementation for fluent API  DML (Data manuplation)
 include MERGE or UPSERT introduced by SQL 2003.

Would be nice in the future to add (I didn't think a lot  about those, yet)
* DDL component: implemenation for fluent API for DDL
* DCL component: implmentation for fluent API for Data Control
* Schema Component: a component that makes it easy to get information
about DB, schemas, tables and their structures.

I was hoping to see them in a separate components next to the current
DBUtil component renamed.

I will defintly have a look at your fork. I know there's a lot of good
implementations out there. In my opinion, we need one that's
maintained by a community.

Thank you William.

On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 6:44 PM, William Speirs <> wrote:
> commons-dbutils already has a fluent API:
> Someone just needs to put the finishing touches on it, and/or use my fork
> of commons-dbutils:
> Bill-
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 11:28 PM, Ole Ersoy <> wrote:
>> On 07/01/2015 04:00 PM, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:
>>> Hello Kervin,
>>> Alot of these libraries, including JPA need to generate beans before
>>> you can use the query builder.
>>> QueryDSL is one example. I haven't used JOOQ, but I have seen their
>>> examples, and it looks a lot like what I thinking of. I am unable to
>>> find the licensing of JOOQ, and if it's
>>> ASL compatible or not.
>> JOOQ is Apache 2.0 Licensed:
>> Cheers,
>> - Ole
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