Hello Mansour,

2015-06-30 23:57 GMT+02:00 Mansour Al Akeel <mansour.alak...@gmail.com>:

> I am not sure if this is the right place to suggest this. Please let
> me know, before filling a Jira Ticket.
> I believe DbUtils has place for additional component:
> - A fluent API to generate SQL string:
> Developers find it difficult to concatenate strings to build a query.
> A fluent API makes it relatively easier, and keeps the query vendor
> independent.
> Some of the examples:
> * http://iciql.com/
> * http://jodd.org/doc/db/sqlgenerator.html
> * http://jdbi.org/
> * Jooq
> * https://mybatis.github.io/mybatis-3/statement-builders.html
> I am not talking about the mapping part. I am only suggesting
> generating the SQL string builder functionality. Something similar to
> MyBatis:
>   String sql = new SQL()
>     .VALUES("ID, FIRST_NAME", "${id}, ${firstName}")
>     .VALUES("LAST_NAME", "${lastName}")
>     .toString();
> I am wondering how much effort this can be, and most important if
> thers's interest in the community to create a separate independent
> component just for Sql String generation. MyBatis is under ASL 2.0
> license.
> Anyone else think there's a place in DBUtils for this functionaity ?

That's kind of a domain specific StringBuilder for SQL, right?
How would you handle different data base dialects?


> Thank you.
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