On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Phil Steitz <phil.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 5/3/15 11:56 AM, Jochen Wiedmann wrote:
> > On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Sergio Fernández <wik...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> >> we're discussing our first incubating release, and we came to the issue
> >> that we are not grant with permissions to deploy maven artifacts to the
> >> org.apache.commons groupId [1].
> > Why org.apache.commons, and not, say, org.apache.commons.rdf? The
> > former seems overly broad to me.
> Could be we should have gone that way years ago when we moved to
> org.apache.commons:commons-foo; but that ship has sailed, so I think
> its best to stay consistent with the rest of the components and
> proceed as proposed.

Some rambling thoughts (tm):

I like to 'fix' things too but I was on the fence about this one until now.
Yes, there is a redundancy because the substring 'commons' is in the
AID/GID twice; but that is OK I claim. Why? The GID is the TLP ID, so of
course we have o.a.commons, that's a must. The AID is the component, which
I always call Commons Foo, and sometimes Apache Commons Foo when I want to
make it clear to folks (at work for example) that I am talking about
software hosted at Apache. If I were to talk within Apache about Foo, I bet
some folks would not know what Foo is or where it lives. If I say 'Commons
Foo' then it's obvious (I hope). That is how I justify to myself the
commons in the AID.

FWIW: Over at Log4j, we have "log4j-" as the prefix for all module names,
and no one seems to mind.


> Phil
> >
> > Jochen
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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