Hi all,

I just want to let you know, that I've joined the discussion, the github
commons rdf community is currently having at github [3]. I think it is time
for the PMC to take action here since it feels like there is a conflict in
the beginning.

Hello Commons RDF community,

first of all, I'm speaking for myself an not on behalf of the Apache
Commons PMC.

I'm really confused by this whole situation. This is what happend from my
POV: the Commons RDF community at one point had the idea of moving to
Apache Commons (which in my eyes made sense, given that fact the Apache
Commons is a place to share code between Apache projects). You really began
pushing things, you even requested a git mirror on behalf of the Apache
Commons project from Infra, which now is unused [1]!
Then Commons RDF decided that it didn't what to join Apache Commons
anymore, which was okay (at least for me).

Later Reto showed up and wanted to try things out in the Apache Commons
Sandbox. This is perfectly okay for us. Every Apache Committer may start
new ideas in our sandbox (in fact we lately granted commit access to all of
our repositories to all ASF committers [2]). However to actually grow out
of the sandbox and become a proper component, there has to be a community
around said component. At the moment, I don't see such a community around
the Apache Commons Sandbox RDF component. But who knows, maybe there will
be such a community one day? Maybe not. We do not force things. We just let
people work with the code (inside the sandbox) the way they like. The is no
threat to this component at all. We don't have an evil plan to destroy
Commons RDF.
The differences regarding how to implement the RDF spec is not of our
business. None of the current Apache Commons team know RDF. Who are we to
judge which approach is the right one?

I'm copying this message to the Apache Commons mailing list, so that
everybody is up to date. If you want to respond, please also copy your
response to the dev ML. If the Common ML is to noisy: we're using prefixes
on the ML. You just have to define a filter that delete all mail which do
not start with [RDF].

I hope we can settle this issue once and for all. Right now it feels like
"Apache Commons are the bad guys" and I don't think we deserve this.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-8068
[2] http://markmail.org/message/q5slpso253joca7n

[3] https://github.com/commons-rdf/commons-rdf/issues/43


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