On 7 January 2015 at 17:12, Thomas Neidhart <thomas.neidh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 01/07/2015 06:00 PM, sebb wrote:
>> On 7 January 2015 at 16:29, Thomas Neidhart <thomas.neidh...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 01/07/2015 04:50 PM, sebb wrote:
>>>> On 7 January 2015 at 13:59, Gilles <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>> I have pushed the change to the userguide. To execute the example you do
>>>>>> the following:
>>>>>>  * go to commons-math folder, type mvn clean install
>>>>>>    this step is only needed if your local maven repository does not yet
>>>>>>    contain the latest commons-math snapshot
>>>>>>  * go to userguide folder (src/userguide), type mvn clean package
>>>>>>  * now you can run the examples like that:
>>>>>> java -cp target/commons-math3-examples-uber-3.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>>>>> org.apache.commons.math3.userguide.LowDiscrepancyGeneratorComparison
>>>>> Very nice.
>>>> Yes, however there is a caveat.
>>>> The uber jar must not be published, at least in its current form.
>>>> - it contains un-shaded classes that have different Maven coords (=> jar 
>>>> hell)
>>>> - it does not have N&L files
>>>> - are the 3rd party jars AL compatible?
>>> there is no intention to publish the uber jar.
>> OK.
>>>> There is another way to run the code without needing to generate the jars:
>>>> cd src/userguide
>>>> mvn -q exec:java
>>>> -Dexec.mainClass=org.apache.commons.math3.userguide.LowDiscrepancyGeneratorComparison
>>> nice, did not know this trick before.
>>>> This uses Maven to resolve the dependencies.
>>>> Works very well for developer testing of examples.
>>>> However it is not so useful for end users as they would need Maven and
>>>> the Math source.
>>>> The NET jar method works well because there are no external
>>>> dependencies, and the example jar is created in the same directory as
>>>> the core jar it depends on.
>>>> The same approach would work for Math, but the user would have to
>>>> download the additional dependencies somehow.
>>> the approach with exec:java is good enough imho, as >90% of the users
>>> will have maven installed.
>> But they won't necessarily have the Math source.
>> On a whim I just tried creating a basic pom with only the dependencies.
>> I added examples as another dependency.
>> This works fine with exec:java from any directory provided only that
>> the examples have been installed (or can be found from a repo)
>> A minor disadvantage of exec:java is one has to use properties for the
>> main class and arguments - the syntax is a bit awkward.
> the examples are also not published (yet), thus there is no way to run
> the examples without downloading the source distribution (or checkout
> the git repo).

Yes, but the code we are discussing is for the next release.

I think it would make sense to include the compiled examples in the
release as a separate jar.

> Thomas
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