On 01/06/2015 12:58 PM, Gilles wrote:
> On Tue, 06 Jan 2015 08:51:32 +0100, Thomas Neidhart wrote:
>> On 01/05/2015 11:58 PM, Gilles wrote:
>>> On Mon, 5 Jan 2015 23:48:43 +0100, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
>>>> Am Mon, 05 Jan 2015 23:35:49 +0100
>>>> schrieb Gilles <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org>:
>>>>> Which docs?
>>>>> I didn't intend to move the "userguide" document; only the Java
>>>>> examples currently under "src/userguide/java" would be moved to
>>>>>    "src/main"
>>>> I wont mention multiple modules (also this might be a case where it
>>>> makes sense, especially if you want to create a dedicated example jar
>>>> file with its own set of dependencies and as it might avoid calling
>>>> ant scripts for it), but I would keep the source separated and rather
>>>> add an additional source directory (with the buildhelper).
>>>> <plugin>
>>>>     <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
>>>>     <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>>>>     <executions>
>>>>         <execution>
>>>>             <phase>initialize</phase>
>>>>             <goals><goal>add-source</goal></goals>
>>>>             <configuration>
>>>>                 <sources>
>>>>                     <source>src/userguide/java</source>
>>>>                 </sources>
>>>>             </configuration>
>>>>         </execution>
>>>>     </executions>
>>>> </plugin>
>>>> NB: this will produce classes on target/classes so you need to exclude
>>>> them in the JAR.
>>> Thanks.
>>> I find it cleaner to keep the examples separated from the "main" code;
>>> so if this does the trick, I'd prefer it that way.
>>> We'd nevertheless need that separate JAR that contains the examples,
>>> and a mean to select which of the examples must be run, as proposed
>>> by Sebb.
>> The examples can not be added to the main code as there is an additional
>> dependency (xchart) that we do not want to add to commons-math in
>> general.
> It was never intended to ship the examples as part of the CM
> library. [There are provisions in the "pom.xml" to prevent it (IIUC).]
> IIUC, Sebb proposed that the source code be moved solely for
> the purpose that maven would compile it with the default config.

I was not talking about packaging.

> IIUC, with Bernd's proposal, this move is thus not necessary.

Neither will work, unless you add the relevant dependencies to the main
pom.xml which we certainly do not want.

I just wanted to point this out before anybody is doing a change.

>> An option would be to add it as part of the test code and use the "test"
>> scope for the dependency but for exactly this reason it was decided to
>> keep the two things apart (commons-math, userguide).
> I have no problem with that, quite the contrary as I write above.

The best option would certainly be a multi-module project, with the
examples / userguide a separate module, but this would require some
changes and a few months ago when we started doing this there was no
consensus about it.

> The original issue was: How do we run the examples?
> Phil proposed an "ant" script, which I would have happily produced.
> But then if "maven" can do it (with the suggested changes to the
> "pom.xml"), it's IMO simpler to not have to run a different program.

Right now, you can only run them directly in eclipse by adding a project
for them, but we could easily do the same as NET does.


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