> [...] see the Apache Apache Commons Math website:

I think 'Apache Apache' should be 'Apache', at the end of the changelog?

Best regards,

On 04/29/2014 01:31 AM, t...@apache.org wrote:
Author: tn
Date: Mon Apr 28 23:31:16 2014
New Revision: 5188

Creating distribution files for Commons Math 3.3 RC1

     dev/commons/math/RELEASE-NOTES.txt   (with props)
     dev/commons/math/binaries/commons-math3-3.3-bin.tar.gz   (with props)
     dev/commons/math/binaries/commons-math3-3.3-bin.zip   (with props)
     dev/commons/math/source/commons-math3-3.3-src.tar.gz   (with props)
     dev/commons/math/source/commons-math3-3.3-src.zip   (with props)

Added: dev/commons/math/RELEASE-NOTES.txt
--- dev/commons/math/RELEASE-NOTES.txt (added)
+++ dev/commons/math/RELEASE-NOTES.txt Mon Apr 28 23:31:16 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+              Apache Commons Math 3.3 RELEASE NOTES
+The Apache Commons Math team is pleased to announce the release of 
+The Apache Commons Math project is a library of lightweight, self-contained 
+and statistics components addressing the most common practical problems not 
+available in the Java programming language or commons-lang.
+This is a minor release: It combines bug fixes and new features.
+Changes to existing features were made in a backwards-compatible
+way such as to allow drop-in replacement of the v3.x JAR file.
+Most notable among the new features are:
+Framework for creating artificial neural nets, self organizing feature maps,
+computational geometry algorithms (convex hull, enclosing ball), performance
+improvements of the linear simplex solver, refactoring of curve fitters,
+low-discrepancy random generators (sobol, halton), least-squares fitting.
+The minimum version of the Java platform required to compile and use
+Commons Math is Java 5.
+Users are encouraged to upgrade to this version as this release not
+only includes bug fixes but also deprecates numerous classes and
+methods that will be deleted from the next major release (4.0).
+ 1. The implementation of the BOBYQA optimization algorithm is in alpha
+ state (cf. MATH-621): Many code paths are untested, and we are looking
+ for volunteers to improve the code readability, robustness and performance
+ and to extend the unit tests suite.
+ 2. A few methods in the FastMath class are in fact slower that their
+ counterpart in either Math or StrictMath (cf. MATH-740 and MATH-901).
+ 3. A few methods/constructors in the package o.a.c.m.geometry.partitioning
+ have changed their signature in a non backwards-compatible way. The respective
+ classes are intended to be package private only and are not supposed to be
+ used for other purposes.
+Changes in this version include:
+New features:
+o N/A:       Added an order 6 fixed-step ODE integrator designed by H. A. 
Luther in 1968.
+o MATH-1119: Added a fast single-step method for fixed-step Runge-Kutta 
+o MATH-1101: Improved documentation of QR decomposition handling of singular 
+o MATH-1053: QR decomposition can compute pseudo-inverses for tall matrices. 
Thanks to Sean Owen.
+o MATH-820:  Field vectors now implement the visitor pattern just like real 
+o MATH-749:  Added MonotoneChain algorithm to compute the convex hull of a 
collection of
+        points in 2D. Additionally, the AklToussaintHeuristic can be used to 
speed up the generation.
+o MATH-1095: Added Emo Welzl algorithm to find the smallest enclosing ball of 
a collection of points.
+o MATH-1072: Added a constructor to "AbstractListChromosome" that does not 
copy the input argument.
+o MATH-1091: BSP tree now provides an API to compute a global signed distance 
+        a test point to the region. The distance is positive if the point is
+        outside of the region, negative if the point is inside, and zero
+        when the point is at the boundary. The distance is continuous
+        everywhere, so it can be used with a root solver to identify accurately
+        boundary crossings. This API is available for all BSP trees, in
+        Euclidean and spherical geometries, and in all dimensions.
+o MATH-1090: IntervalsSet now implements Iterable<double[]>, so one can iterate
+        over the sub-intervals without building a full list containing a copy 
of everything beforehand.
+o MATH-923:  Utilities for creating artificial neural networks (package 
+        Implementation of Kohonen's Self-Organizing Feature Map (SOFM).
+o MATH-1014: Refactoring of curve fitters (package "o.a.c.m.fitting").
+o MATH-970:  Added possibility to retrieve the best found solution of the 
"SimplexSolver" in case
+        the iteration limit has been reached. The 
"optimize(OptimizationData...)" method now
+        supports a "SolutionCallback" which provides access to the best 
solution if
+        a feasible solution could be found (phase 2 of the Two-Phase simplex 
method has been reached).
+o MATH-1061: Added InsufficientDataException.
+o MATH-983:  Added a graphical overview of available continuous distributions 
to the userguide.
+o MATH-1051: Added Kendall's tau correlation (KendallsCorrelation). Thanks to 
Matt Adereth,devl.
+o MATH-1036: Added SparseGradient to deal efficiently with first derivatives 
when the number
+        of variables is very large but most computations depend only on a few 
of the
+        variables. Thanks to Ajo Fod.
+o MATH-1038: Added ConfidenceInterval class and BinomialConfidenceInterval 
providing several
+        estimators for confidence intervals for binomial probabilities. Thanks 
to Thorsten Schäfer.
+o MATH-1004: Added new methods to compute the inverse of a matrix to 
+        and "MatrixUtils". Thanks to Ajo Fod.
+o MATH-1041: "Pair": added factory method and "toString" method. Thanks to 
Sean Owen.
+o MATH-1002: "AbstractUnivariateStatistic.test(...)" methods have uses outside 
+        implementation moved to MathArrays.verifyValues(...).
+o MATH-1034: Added exact binomial test implementation. Thanks to Thorsten 
+o MATH-1018: Added overloaded constructors for subclasses of 
"RealDistribution" implementations
+        which do not require an explicit "inverseCumulativeAccuracy". The 
default accuracy will
+        be used instead. Thanks to Ajo Fod.
+o MATH-1001: Added overloaded methods for "Frequency#incrementValue(Comparable, 
long)" with
+        int, long and char primitive arguments. Thanks to sebb.
+o MATH-1030: Added a section to the userguide for the new package o.a.c.m.ml 
with an
+        overview of available clustering algorithms and a code example. Thanks 
to Thorsten Schäfer.
+o MATH-1028: Added new distance metric "EarthMoversDistance". Thanks to 
Thorsten Schäfer.
+o MATH-1025:  Added CombinatoricsUtils to the util package, moving binomial
+        coefficients, factorials and Stirling numbers there and adding
+        a combinations iterator.
+o MATH-991:  "PolynomialSplineFunction": added method "isValidPoint" that
+        checks whether a point is within the interpolation range.
+o MATH-989:  "BicubicSplineInterpolatingFunction": added method "isValidPoint" 
+        checks whether a point is within the interpolation range.
+o MATH-1010: Utility to shuffle an array.
+o MATH-1008: Created package ("o.a.c.m.fitting.leastsquares") for least-squares
+        fitting, with implementations of "LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer" and
+        "GaussNewtonOptimizer" adapted to a new ("fluent") API.
+o MATH-1007: Add mode function to StatUtils class.
+o MATH-1000: Add mode function to Frequency class.
+o MATH-997:  Implemented Gauss-Hermite quadrature scheme (in package 
+o MATH-967:  Added midpoint integration method. Thanks to Oleksandr Kornieiev.
+o MATH-851:  Added method "MathArrays#convolve(double[], double[])" to compute 
+        discrete, linear convolution of two sequences. Thanks to Clemens Novak.
+o MATH-977:  Added low-discrepancy random generator "HaltonSequenceGenerator".
+o MATH-826:  Added low-discrepancy random generator "SobolSequenceGenerator". 
Thanks to Sam Halliday.
+o MATH-973:  Added "GeometricDistribution" to "o.a.c.m.distribution" package. 
Thanks to Mauro Tortonesi.
+o MATH-968:  Added "ParetoDistribution" to "o.a.c.m.distribution" package. 
Thanks to Alex Gryzlov.
+o MATH-898:  Added "FuzzyKMeansClusterer" to "o.a.c.m.ml.clustering" package.
+Fixed Bugs:
+o N/A:       Fixed an issue with noisy functions for ODE events detection.
+o MATH-1115: Build properly empty polyhedrons set when given equal min/max 
boundaries. Also explained
+        better in the javadoc about some wrong usage of PolyhedronsSet 
+o MATH-1117: Build properly empty polygons set when given equal min/max 
boundaries. Also explained
+        better in the javadoc about some wrong usage of PolygonsSet 
+o MATH-1118: "Complex": Fixed compatibility of "equals(Object)" with 
+        Added new methods for testing floating-point equality between the real
+        (resp. imaginary) parts of two complex numbers.
+o MATH-1107: Prevent penalties to grow multiplicatively in CMAES for out of 
bounds points. Thanks to Bruce A Johnson.
+o MATH-875:  Un-deprecated RealVector.sparseIterator, documenting explicitly 
that entries
+        not iterated above are the zero ones.
+o MATH-821:  Relaxed specification for function mapping on vectors, thus 
allowing straightforward
+        implementation for sparse vectors.
+o MATH-1065: Calculating the inverse cumulative probability of an 
+        will now return the correct result according to the selected 
enumerated probability
+        mass function. Thanks to matteodg.
+o MATH-976:  Create additional artifact "commons-math3-x.y.z-tools.jar" as 
part of the
+        release process. This artifact contains useful tools, e.g. for 
performance testing.
+o MATH-990:  Improved performance of "MathArrays#sortInPlace(...)".
+o MATH-1044: Clarify javadoc of "DecompositionSolver#getInverse()" and 
corresponding implementations
+        wrt the actually returned inverse. Several decomposition 
implementations are able
+        to return a pseudo-inverse in case of a singular matrix. Thanks to 
Sean Owen.
+o MATH-985:  Fixed an indexing problem in "BicubicSplineInterpolatingFunction" 
+        resulted in wrong interpolations. Thanks to Johnathan Kool.
+o MATH-1089: "Precision#round(double, ...)" will now return negative zero for 
+        values rounded to zero, similar to the float variant.
+o MATH-1088: The iterator returned by "MultiDimensionalCounter#iterator()" 
will now
+        correctly throw a "NoSuchElementException" when calling "next()" and 
the iterator is already exhausted.
+o MATH-1082: The cutOff mechanism of the "SimplexSolver" in package 
+        could lead to invalid solutions. The mechanism has been improved in a 
way that
+        the tableau does not need to be updated anymore. Additionally, a new 
check will
+        prevent impossible solutions to be returned as valid.
+o MATH-1079: Improved performance of "SimplexSolver" in package 
o.a.c.math3.optim.linear by
+        directly performing row operations and keeping track of the current 
basic variables.
+o MATH-842:  Added support for different pivot selection rules to the 
"SimplexSolver" by introducing
+        the new "OptimizationData" class "PivotSelectionRule". Currently 
supported rules are:
+        Dantzig (default) and Bland (avoids cycles).
+o MATH-1070: Fix "Precision#round(float, int, int)" when using rounding mode 
+        and the discarded fraction is zero. Thanks to Oleksandr Muliarevych.
+o MATH-1059: Use "FastMath" instead of "Math" within Commons Math.
+o MATH-1068: Avoid overflow when calculating Kendall's correlation for large 
arrays. Thanks to Gal Lalouche.
+o MATH-1067: Avoid infinite recursion in "Beta.regularizedBeta" (package 
"o.a.c.m.special"). Thanks to Florian Erhard.
+o MATH-1056: Fixed unintended integer division error in PoissonDistribution 
sampling method. Thanks to Sean Owen.
+o MATH-1057: Fixed failing unit tests for "BOBYQAOptimizer" when executed with 
a Oracle/Sun JVM 1.5.
+o MATH-1062: A call to "KalmanFilter#correct(...)" may have resulted in 
+        as the internally used matrix inversion method was using a too strict 
symmetry check.
+o MATH-1058: Precision improvements (for small values of the argument) in 
"Beta" function
+        and in "LogNormalDistribution" and "WeibullDistribution". Thanks to 
Sean Owen.
+o MATH-1055: Fixed some invalid links inside javadoc and added missing 
deprecated annotations. Thanks to Sean Owen.
+o MATH-1051: "EigenDecomposition" may have failed to compute the decomposition 
for certain
+        non-symmetric matrices. Port of the respective bugfix in Jama-1.0.3.
+o MATH-1047: Check for overflow in methods "pow" (class 
+o MATH-1045: "EigenDecomposition": Using tolerance for detecting whether a 
matrix is singular. Thanks to Sean Owen.
+o MATH-1035: Simplified and improved performance of 
"ArithmeticUtils#addAndCheck(long, long)". Thanks to derphead.
+o MATH-1029: The "BigFraction" constructor will throw a 
+        also in case negative values are provided which exceed the allowed 
range (+/- Integer.MAX_VALUE).
+o MATH-1033: The "KalmanFilter" wrongly enforced a column dimension of 1 for
+        the provided control and measurement noise matrix. Thanks to Yuan Qu.
+o MATH-1037: Fix a typo in the test class of "GeometricDistribution" and 
ensure that a meaningful
+        tolerance value is used when comparing test results with expected 
values. Thanks to Aleksei Dievskii.
+o MATH-996:  Creating a "Fraction" or "BigFraction" object with a 
maxDenominator parameter
+        does not throw a "FractionConversionException" anymore in case the 
value is
+        very close to fraction. Thanks to Tim Allison.
+o MATH-999:  Improve performance of "DiagonalMatrix#preMultiply(RealVector)". 
Thanks to Ajo Fod.
+o MATH-1021: Fixed overflow in "HypergeometricDistribution". Thanks to Brian 
+o MATH-1020: Fixed "nextPermutation" method (in 
+        This bug does not affect applications using a previous version of 
Commons Math.
+o MATH-1019: Buggy (private) method "shuffle" in 
+        superseded by "MathArrays.shuffle" (cf. MATH-1010).
+o MATH-1012: Created "RandomGeneratorFactory" (package "o.a.c.m.random") to 
+        code duplication in "RandomDataGenerator".
+o MATH-1005: Fixed "MathArrays.linearCombination" when array length is 1. 
Thanks to Roman Werpachowski.
+o MATH-993:  In "GaussNewtonOptimizer", check for convergence before updating 
+        parameters estimation for the next iteration.
+o MATH-988:  Fixed NullPointerException in 2D and 3D sub-line intersections. 
Thanks to Andreas Huber.
+o MATH-962:  Added clarification to the javadoc of "VectorFormat" and derived 
+        in case "," is used as a separator.
+o MATH-965:  Fixed inconsistent dimensions preventing use of secondary states 
in ODE events.
+o N/A:       Bracketing utility for univariate root solvers returns a tighter 
interval than before.
+        It also allows choosing the search interval expansion rate, supporting 
both linear
+        and asymptotically exponential rates.
+o MATH-437:  Added KolmogorovSmirnovTest class, deprecating 
+o MATH-1099: Make QR the default in GaussNewtonOptimizer. Thanks to Evan Ward.
+o MATH-1099: Add Cholesky option to GaussNewtonOptimizer. Thanks to Evan Ward.
+o MATH-1099: Make QR in GaussNewton faster and more accurate. Thanks to Evan 
+o MATH-870:  The sparse vector and matrix classes have been un-deprecated. 
This is a reversal
+        of a former decision, as we now think we should adopt a generally 
+        behavior which is ... to ignore the problems of NaNs and infinities in
+        sparse linear algebra entities.
+o MATH-1050: Deprecated "ArithmeticUtils#pow(int, long)" and 
"ArithmeticUtils#pow(long, long)"
+        in favor of corresponding methods "ArithmeticUtils#pow(..., int)".
+o MATH-1080: The "LinearConstraintSet" will now return the enclosed collection of 
+        objects in the same order as they have been added.
+o MATH-1031: Added new class "ClusterEvaluator" to evaluate the result of a 
clustering algorithm
+        and refactored existing evaluation code in 
+        into separate class "SumOfClusterVariances". Thanks to Thorsten 
+o MATH-1039: Added logDensity methods to AbstractReal/IntegerDistribution with 
naive default
+        implementations and improved implementations for some current 
distributions. Thanks to Aleksei Dievskii.
+o MATH-1011: Improved implementation of "sample" method of 
+o MATH-1006: Enabled LaTeX expressions in javadoc and site docs via MathJax.
+o MATH-995:  Documented limitation of "IterativeLegendreGaussIntegrator" 
(added warning about potential wrong usage).
+o MATH-987:  Added append method to SimpleRegression, making this class 
map/reducible. Thanks to Ajo Fod.
+o MATH-978:  Added append method to StorelessCovariance, making this class 
map/reducible. Thanks to Ajo Fod.
+For complete information on Apache Commons Math, including instructions on how 
to submit bug reports,
+patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Commons Math 

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