Hi all, we have a nice PR for StringUtils at github: https://github.com/apache/commons-lang/pull/20
It adds a new string matching algorithm to StringUtils, that calculates a score for the similarity between to strings. This kind of fuzzy matching is known from editors like Sublime Text, Text Mate or Atom. I think this is a very useful features, but as the contributor points out, the is no scientific paper or thesis that provides a reference for the implementation. So this is not _the one_ implementation of a fuzzy string matching score, like our implementations of the Levenshtein or Jaro-Winkler algorithms. So before adding this, I'd like to hear how others feel about this feature. Regards, Benedikt -- http://people.apache.org/~britter/ http://www.systemoutprintln.de/ http://twitter.com/BenediktRitter http://github.com/britter