On 21 January 2014 03:21, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Sebb,
>> Please modify the POMs and whatever else as you see fit.
>> It sure would be nice to release 2.1.
> Sebb,
> When do you think you'll be able to put time in? The multi-module stuff is
> daunting. I just RM'd a release of HttpCommons HttpClient and it would not
> have been possible without the wiki docs.

I have done some work on this.I can fix up the poms so that the
Commons "release" profile works.
And it looks like the distribution module is not really needed. The
assembly plugin can be run from the top level pom.

I'm wondering whether VFS really needs to use multiple modules at all.

The examples could certainly be merged into the main module, and the
distribution module is not really needed.
That just leaves the sandbox module.

Does the sandbox module have any use as part of the proper component?
It does not seem to be included in any releases - it is only present in SVN.
Would it be better as an actual sandbox component?
Or if the classes are useful, perhaps they should be merged into core?

Note that Commons Net does not use modules, but does release its
examples separately, if that was still required.

> Thank you,
> Gary
>> Gary
>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 7:22 PM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> At present, the VFS poms use the "apache-release" profile from the
>>> Apache pom, and override some bits of it that don't suit Commons.
>>> However, this is also done by the Commons parent pom which provides
>>> its own "release" profile.
>>> This is not ideal as VFS uses a different process for releasing code
>>> from all other Commons components.
>>> VFS is a multi-module project, which makes it a bit trickier to deal
>>> with assemblies etc.
>>> However as far as I can tell, it is relatively simple to fix VFS.
>>> Change VFS parent pom to disable the assembly plugin for itself and
>>> all inheriting poms
>>> Change VFS distribution pom to re-enable the assembly plugin and
>>> change the profile "apache-release" to "release"
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