Hey Gilles

2013/12/31 Gilles <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org>

> On Sun, 29 Dec 2013 13:33:23 -0800, Phil Steitz wrote:
>> On 12/29/13, 6:39 AM, Gilles wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Is there some framework in place in order to generate executable
>>> files
>>> from the Java sources located there?
>>> I guess that a configuration snippet could be added in the
>>> "pom.xml"[1]
>>> so that one of the build phases can also compile (and perhaps also
>>> run)
>>> the example applications.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gilles
>>> [1] I tried to use the "pom.xml" located in "src/userguide" but it
>>> "failed
>>>     to resolve artefact"
>>> org.apache.commons:commons-math3:jar:3.3-SNAPSHOT.
>> You need to install the [math] snapshot locally for maven to be able
>> to resolve it.  Run "mvn install" to get a current snapshot
>> installed locally.
> OK. That's easy enough for me at the moment.
> [I just wanted to check that what I put under "src/userguide/java"
> does compile and run.]
> However, I wonder why it is deemed better to have another "pom.xml"
> rather than have the main one generate the "examples" JAR.

Have a look here [1]. Bottom line is, that creating multiple artifacts from
one class path violates one of the core concepts of maven: modularity.



> Thanks,
> Gilles
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