On Sun, 29 Dec 2013 17:36:42 +0100, Thomas Neidhart wrote:
On 12/29/2013 03:39 PM, Gilles wrote:

Is there some framework in place in order to generate executable files
from the Java sources located there?
I guess that a configuration snippet could be added in the "pom.xml"[1] so that one of the build phases can also compile (and perhaps also run)
the example applications.

Hi Gilles,

if you use eclipse with the m2eclipse plugin you can have separate
projects for commons-math3 and the examples. Otherwise you would need to install the artifacts of commons-math3 into your local repository with
mvn install.

Since all the source code being available in a sibling directory, it
seems that it should be possible to twist the build file so it can find
any requirement there.

To compile the examples as part of the normal build process we would
need to create a parent pom for commons math3 with packaging type pom.

Being a very basic maven user, I cannot follow this.

What I had in mind in something similar to the "tools" JAR being built
with selected classes from the "test" repository (search for the string
"commons-math3-tools" in the CM's "pom.xml"). [By the way, I've just
noticed the following line there:
  <attribute name="Extension-Name" value="org.apache.commons.net" />
and the reference to "commons.net" seems to be bug...]

Then, using the generated JAR, one should be able to run any of the
"main" methods in the included class files.


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