On 05/11/2013 13:45, Gary Gregory wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 2:17 AM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> There seems to be something very different from previous RCs WRT the
>>> RAT
>>> report:
>>> 151 Unknown Licenses
>>> Odd.
>> It has picked up some of the generated documentation files - almost
>> certainly as a result of the changes I made to the scm plug-in in my
>> attempt to set it up correctly having changed the componentId. I don't see
>> anything of concern in the list (or - fortunately - anything that would
>> require a new RC).
> That does not look right, compare this POM to [compress] which was just
> released recently.

If I have understood things correctly, [compress] is not a valid
comparison as it has not changed the componentId.

I based my changes of the Math pom. I can well believe that I didn't get
it quite right.

That said, the only issues I am aware of are:
a) extra generated files in the RAT report that have to be 'manually'
b) it is likely that the publish step will have to be manual to get the
   right files in the right place.

I can live with a) and was planning on doing b) anyway so I haven't yet
seen anything that would trigger an RC5.


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